The California Building Codes GPT incorporates the following (accessed at
2022 California Administrative Code, Title 24, Part 1 with July 2024...
We usually tell our customers 2-3 weeks for the first review. I've heard that is pretty timely compared to some jurisdictions but i'm curious how it is in other jurisdictions because we *still*...
The Arizona Building Codes GPT incorporates the following (accessed at Keep in mind that Arizona building codes are adopted at the local level, so the...
The Washington State Building Codes GPT incorporates the following (accessed at
2021 Washington State Building Code
2021 Washington State Energy Code...
We currently have pre-submittal meetings required for expedited permits, but optional for all other building permits. During the 1-hour meeting, a plans reviewer and zoning officer look over the...
I want to renovate my fences to use PVC. The height should be around 5 feet, but I think some parts of the fences may be taller than the rest. Where should I go to apply for the permit, the state...
The Los Angeles Building Codes GPT incorporates the following:
City of Los Angeles Mechanical Code (3/6/23)
City of Los Angeles Plumbing Code (3/6/23)
2022 California Building Code Including 2023...
If a county were for example, to allow permitting of a site for construction, what would the implications be that it passes an environmental check and when construction begins, hazardous materials...
I am just curious what is the communities opinion on all-electric ADUs? I am planning to convert my garage into an all-electric ADU and was wondering if there is any insight the community can...
The Texas Building Codes GPT incorporates the following (accessed at Keep in mind that Texas building codes are adopted at the local level, so the GPT's...