You can always reapply, there are infinite opportunities to reapply, but if you don't fix the issues then you'll never get approved. The permitting agency should identify the reasons a permit application was rejected. A lot of the work I do is in Texas, and TCEQ is very good about providing very...
Just to be clear, the agencies do not "actively promotes lowering emissions" but that doesn't mean there is no mitigation/ prevention of environmental damage. The permits - especially higher level permits like Title V - are exactly that. The higher your potential emissions, the more permit...
Well, avoiding Title V permitting is the incentive, but in my experience no regulatory agency actively promotes lowering emissions. Of course everyone still has to meet regulations and cannot harm/ health hazards to the surrounding community.
A permit or a certification for what? Generally in air permitting, I've seen the word "certification" for two different things.
All permitting agencies have, for lack of a better word, a "baseline" or "main tier" permit that most facilities will be required to get (most agencies have multiple...
Ideally, you need permits before you construct. That's technically what is required. However, 80% of the time don't do that. Most agencies will show leniency as long as you get a permit as soon as possible. Preferably before operating, because once you start operating your operating without a...
The permitting agency should be transparent about why the permit was denied. Modify whatever it is you need to modify to ensure the permit gets approved. If you paid a fee to submit the permit application, some permitting agencies waive the fee if you resubmit within a certain time frame (like 6...
I don't have an answer to the "why", but I can confirm that this is accurate. In Texas, a permit is associated with a facility, or more specifically a geographically delineated location with an address. So if you owned the land next door (separate parcel, separate address) and decided to...
This is exactly right, and I would say a majority of my personal experience comes from smaller companies that were caught off guard. Unfortunately, too many of those smaller company's were investigated and received a violation first, and that's how they found out they needed to obtain an air permit.
Let’s be honest, air quality is probably the last thing on your mind. You have products to move, an entire workforce to manage, purchase orders to issue, marketing, sales, clients to keep happy, bosses to keep happy, shareholders to keep happy, and you’re taking your kid to soccer practice at...