Does anyone that is a permit tech (or related position) also do code enforcement? I feel like it might be a conflict of interest, but wonder how other places handle this.
We are now 100% digital, but we have a computer at our counter so that people that don't use computers can come in and we help them fill it out online. As long as they have their documents, I can scan and upload them. I was worried when we switched, but I am surprised at how many people have...
Once you have it up and going, will you let me know how it is? We used to have Vision and now we have Cloudpermit, but our finance side is going with Tyler.
We get a lot of people that think they can do what they want inside the house, or building, and no one will notice. We have been getting a lot of calls from realtors lately that check to see what has been permitted in the house. I am sure there are just as many who tell potential buyers they...
We have a turn around time of 4-6 weeks for commercial/industrial and about 4 weeks for residential, from complete submittal. We tell them this but sometimes it gets done sooner. Also, our plans reviewers tackle the small stuff in between. The jurisdiction to the south of us is 4-6 months, so...
Typically you don't need a permit unless you are things that involve the structure of the building. Except things like siding, this doesn't involve the structure per se, but where I work, we require a permit for this.
Ugh, I don't like situations like these. In my experience it doesn't go well for the renter. We also have people notify the health department as well as check for permits. If the structure itself is bad, we have sent our building inspector out in the past and he has deemed it unsafe for...
In my jurisdiction, we have noticed that when people sell their homes, the real estate agents want proof that things have been permitted, down to new hot water heaters. Agents will even submit public records requests to make sure everything has been permitted before listing. I guess in this...
We transferred to all digital a year ago. We have customers that are not computer savvy, and we still assist them in the office, but on our counter computer, so it's still digital. The transition was tough, because some of it was still on paper until the project finished. We are a small...