Recent content by Emily C

  1. Emily C

    HGTV flippers hit with building violations

    This happened in my town as well - someone who grew up here and ended up having a show on HGTV did some demo work or something like that without permits. Not the same people you mentioned, but it seems to be an unfortunate trend.
  2. Emily C

    Director's / Administrative Interpretations

    hey everyone! I'm wondering if your jurisdiction has a form for the public to use to request a director's interpretation of something in the municipal code. I was asked to create one and would love to see what one looks like before I get started. So far, the jurisdiction I reached out to has...
  3. Emily C


    HA!! That is funny. I am constantly telling my husband that I can't work from home, ESPECIALLY when our kids are home....I love them, but DANG! They are NEEDY! And it's like he doesn't exist at all!
  4. Emily C


    Agreed. I would personally hate that. I appreciated taking my current role which is only a 20 minute commute, vs my previous being about 45. I remember when I was living in/stationed in San Diego, I lived less than 10 minutes from base, but it took about an hour to get there. Can't say I miss...
  5. Emily C

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    Great question. What do the planners say?
  6. Emily C

    Going up the ladder as a permit tech

    I'm the only permit tech in my jurisdiction, but that's not my title. I'm sort of struggling with the same thing you are, OP. If there's no other me, there's no way for me to move up because who would do my job? There are definite pros and cons.
  7. Emily C


    Hi Eric, My current jurisdiction is work at work - working from home is hard to get approved. Honestly, I prefer working in the office, but maybe it's because my house isn't set up for it?? I don't know. At any rate, when I did work from during the early months of COVID, it was nice not paying...
  8. Emily C

    Certificate of Completion

    Hey! We have a Certificate of Occupancy, not completion....I'd be happy to email you a template if that's similar to what you're looking for?
  9. Emily C

    SB 5290

    Hello fellow Washingtonians! Who is going to be implementing SB 5290 at the top of the year? My jurisdiction will be, and we are hoping the software we have will assist us with timelines. One step further - who has Tyler and is implementing 5290? We are trying to find a work around for not being...
  10. Emily C

    Going live with new software tomorrow

    It's going ok. I had a really really great implementation specialist whom I could call on anytime for help. We did not convert our data from our old system and apparently that's a good thing. We did testing and training but there's just nothing like the live version. It is a good idea to "test"...
  11. Emily C

    Tips for supervisors?

    Congratulations on your new opportunity by the way!
  12. Emily C

    Tips for supervisors?

    Get to know your people, and don't micromanage them. Trust that they know what they're doing, and be approachable so they're not afraid to ask you if they don't.
  13. Emily C

    Hello from WA!

    Hey, no that is good info! I totally forgot about that part. haha
  14. Emily C

    Hello from WA!

    Hello fellow Washingtonian! :) Good to see you here. How is your jurisdiction handling the upcoming timeline changes w/ SB 5290?
  15. Emily C

    Joining the club!

    Hello fellow PNW'er! I'm in WA state. Welcome!