Recent content by Goodness

  1. G

    You Don't need a permit to buy land

    In my location, you don't need a permit to buy a land. But you sure need a permit to build on the land. Was wondering, is it obtainable in your location too?
  2. G

    Do Ghosts exist?

    I saw a dead friend few months back. People think it's my imagination. But I know what I saw. Do Ghosts really exist? Have you seen one before?
  3. G

    Why do expired licenses get rejected?

    So why do people reject expired licenses when it still has the person's name, picture, address and finger print? Should the date now matter? I really need to know.
  4. G

    How often do you write?

    As a writer, I write about everything and anything. I take notes of my environment and jott down in my jotter to be used in the future... I write everyday.. How often do you write?
  5. G

    Have you ever been in love?

    So in miscellaneous forum, we can discuss about non permitting talks.. With all the seriousness in other forums, I just want to relax our mood a bit😀. I got married to my..5th love ..and YES!! I am in love. So I'm just curious to ask: Have you ever been in love?
  6. G

    What's the difference between a permit and a certification?

    Most people tend to mistake a certification for a permit. So I'm seriously asking... What's the difference between a permit and a certification?
  7. G

    If a permit application is denied, what's the next step?

    I'm just wondering, if a permit application is denied, what is the next step to take? RE apply?
  8. G

    Grabbing a permit..

    Like how long does it take a permit application to be granted? I know it may vary from state to state..... But like how long can the application stay with the appropriate quarters before it is granted ?
  9. G

    Do Home Tutors also Need Permits?

    It all depends on the country the individual is resided and the rules guiding such country. Just abide by the rules governing your location.
  10. G

    Home as office

    I work from home and have an office in my house. Just being curious. Do I need a permit for the 'office' in my home?
  11. G

    Cost of Parking permit

    I feel the cost of parking permits vary from location to location. And the type of parking spaces also determine the cost. Like in my location,parking space in a market area is less than 10 cents How much is the cost of a parking space in your locality?
  12. G

    Does a mobile house need a permit?

    In my location, there are mobile houses or 'containers' where people live or sell their goods. It is fixed on a land but not built with cement/bricks. Do they need permits to operate?
  13. G

    Do permits expire?

    I got a permit for driving last year November 2023 and yesterday, the police who stopped me for 'stop and check' ,said that my driver's permit had expired and I need a new permit. So permits expire?
  14. G

    Is a permit required to drive around a float in a parade?

    Well, in my region, you need a permit to operate an Uber . You also need other documents to back it up I don't know for other regions though
  15. G

    This is Goodness

    Hi Everyone,my name is Goodness and I'm so excited to be here...