Recent content by High Voltage

  1. High Voltage

    Does your permitting office have a "performance culture"?

    Performance cultures always work best without favoritism, and that's always hard to come by. Maybe if AI gets involved somehow we could have a true system that rewards the top performers regardless of who they are.
  2. High Voltage

    Tax deductible?

    I don't think permits are tax deductible, but they do typically raise the base value of a home or business if you sell it. Remember, there are also both state and federal taxes so that might come into play as well. Your tax preparer should know
  3. High Voltage

    Trump On Real Estate?

    All the talk about what Trump is doing, I hear nothing about what, if anything, he is going to do about the housing crisis. He's trying to gut federal agencies, but I'm hearing nothing about agencies regarding the permitting processes of real estate. Is anyone hearing more than what I'm hearing?
  4. High Voltage

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    How exactly did it end poorly? Large fines and such? And if work was done to code, why would it matter in this case if the work was permitted or not? Just a technicality?
  5. High Voltage


    Being that my daughters are grown, I would prefer a WFH set-up. The older I get, the less I want to commute and work/hike whenever I want.
  6. High Voltage

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    Let us know what the fee is and where you are, when you get the chance. Inquiring minds want to know. I know it's a popular thing in warmer climates.
  7. High Voltage

    Do removal of backyard trees require permits?

    In Arizona, utility companies trim trees growing into power lines. I imagine California has something similar since it is the most regulated state in the nation.
  8. High Voltage

    Newly Incorporated Towns

    That's interesting. I didn't know about the state level. And it's sad that we must wait until something terrible happens to be active about it. I would hope we could find a way to be proactive.
  9. High Voltage

    Newly Incorporated Towns

    I lived in a small town that was incorporated back in '07. Two small, unincorporated "villages" merged to become one town. I have always wondered when town officials start implementing building codes in the legal process of becoming a town. Is it first on the list or farther down on the priority...
  10. High Voltage

    Sister Wives stars and their farm permit saga

    I'm surprised the town doesn't ask for a permit to allow the process to be televised. lol Or do they? I don't do reality TV, but it sounds like a very informative show.
  11. High Voltage

    SB 5290

    This seems to be a big thing across the U.S. recently. Honestly, I don't know why this has taken so long. When people realized that permitting via electronic means was faster and more efficient, they should have started doing this en-masse sooner.
  12. High Voltage

    A New Project

    Here's the scenario: The Army Corps of Engineers are tasked with building a series of waterways / canals to shuttle rainwater from the Parts of the U.S. that get tons of rain, to the parts that get next to none. An environmental project of epic magnitude, to be sure. How hard would it be to do...
  13. High Voltage

    Permits for the Olympics

    Considering the Olympic Committee basically builds its own village in whichever town decides to host the Olympics, I would say every permit imaginable. Then again, I hear that every host city loses financially on the deal, so maybe the Committee gets all of their permit fees waived.
  14. High Voltage

    Missouri hunters can now use drones to track wounded deer, turkey but at increased permit costs

    I wonder if anyone knows how to get a tracking chip in an animal after it's been shot. Like, put one IN the bullet. Have an app that can track the signal of the chip, and there's no need for a drone.
  15. High Voltage

    Permit required for standalone catio?

    Instead of a roof, fasten a tarp over the area. No need for a roof, really, if it's just a dog run. Technically, it's not a structure to be permitted because of the intended use. As Jeff said, get with the building department and get a list of all codes relevant to the project. Sounds like...