Recent content by mantis

  1. mantis

    Solar Refund

    In my city, inspections are deducted from the refund amount, since it takes away resources that could've been used elsewhere. The rest would be refundable. So, it seems that you should refund the full amount in this case. Then again, maybe @Eric is correct and the costs exceeded $150 over...
  2. mantis

    Permit for temporary amusement ride

    @Farmaholic and @Seven Out, I took your advice and contacted the company for the information; however, the amusement company is pretty adamant that a permit isn't required since I'm having a private party and I'm not charging a fee. I got them to send the information anyway, just in case, and...
  3. mantis

    Permit for temporary amusement ride

    We're hosting a large birthday party for our child's big day. We're going to have a bounce house, a ball pit, and an old-fashioned carousel. I've already obtained a Special Events Permit, so that part has been taking care of, at least. The Parks & Recreation Department handled the permits for...
  4. mantis

    Celebrating the New Year in Hawaii?

    If you're going to set off fireworks in Hawaii, you'll need a permit. That's surprising to me because they aren't required in my state, which seems to love permit regulations. Luckily, the permits are fairly affordable at $25 and can be purchased online. Obtaining a permit enables a person to...
  5. mantis

    Sister Wives stars and their farm permit saga

    You know, I guess it's kind of nice to see that they aren't getting special treatment. They're operating in a fairly small town, so I'm surprised that the officials aren't acting star struck. It's empowering to see permitting laws being applied equally.
  6. mantis

    Article Zoning Enabling Simplified

    That's a well-written explanatory article. I'm a layman and I understood it. I bet Rhode Islanders are thrilled that this area of law is geared towards increasing the state's housing stock. I think there may be unintended benefits as well, such as a decrease in traffic, since limiting the...
  7. mantis

    Gifts to permitting staff

    My local office used to accept baked goods and other food items from the community; however, that had to stop once COVID broke out. I don't believe they accept anything now. It's a shame, since they work really hard and deserve to be treated.
  8. mantis

    Do I need a permit to destroy invasive plants?

    Kudzu is slowly creeping up the bank that's beside my property. It's starting to overtake the huge oak trees and smother them out. If one of those trees falls onto my home, it'll be a disaster. I don't know who owns the land. My neighbor says it's not theirs, and I know it's not mine. It...
  9. mantis

    USACE and EPA Irrigation Regulations

    As far as I know, you're correct. However, I believe portions of that law are still moving through the courts as they attempt to destroy the regulation of water resources. Either way, I'm sure it will all change once the new administration takes affect. Trump has pledged to end the EPA and...
  10. mantis

    Tricky situation with permit

    That sounds rough, Farmaholic. Maybe you could ask the guy to adjust its height, square footage, or other attribute that causes it to fall under the permitting laws. If you do move forward with a permit application, I highly doubt that your neighbor would get into trouble. You'd simply file...
  11. mantis

    New bill allowing for trapping, neutering & releasing feral cats in South Dakota

    It never occurred to me that a person might need a permit for doing this. I've trapped several stray cats and had them fixed over the years. I guess I'd better check on the legality of it in my jurisdiction. Thanks for bringing up the topic, Jake.
  12. mantis

    You Don't need a permit to buy land

    Huh, interesting topic. I can't say that I've stumbled across such a permitting law out in the wild, but I wonder if you'd need a special permit to buy land on a tribal reservation. That's one time that I could such a law applying.
  13. mantis

    When a contractor quits mid-project

    I'm not sure if it's specific to your location or not, but I know that the permit stays with the project itself here. The permit is issued to the person who applies for it. When a contractor does it, it's usually on behalf of the homeowner, which the permit states. You should call the issuing...
  14. mantis

    Permits required to display a business billboard beside your business place in Cleveland, Ohio.

    Some of the fees could be avoided by using a pole that's already been erected and approved. That's probably the route that I'd take when it's an option.
  15. mantis

    Do I need to get a permit to keep dog in my business premises?

    From what I've found online, all dogs in Ohio that are three months or older must be licensed, regardless of where they're kept. Dog owners are strictly liable for any damages or injuries that their dog caused. I'd make sure that your friend understands his potential liability.