Recent content by Melvin

  1. Melvin

    Geothermal Power Plants

    I have read something similar. The person I mentioned in my earlier post said that each and every step of the process is a bit of a nightmare. Basically, the commercial electricity companies don't really want geothermal energy, as it kind of takes away their business.
  2. Melvin

    Geothermal Power Plants

    I know someone in Europe trying to start a geothermal energy business in some suitable areas there, and the company is having a hard time getting all the permits in place. But I was wondering, for example, here in the US, what kind of permits are required for that? How would one even start with...
  3. Melvin

    City Council Urges Stricter Enforcement of L.A.’s Tree Laws

    I second this. Not that I would want to go around cutting trees in my property; especially if they are healthy, but I would definitely not want to get in trouble for something I wasn't aware even of.
  4. Melvin

    A Money Grab?

    A friend of mine said something interesting the other day and it got me thinking. He said permits nowadays are more about making money for the city/town than they are about safety. What are your thoughts?
  5. Melvin

    Installing a Water Heater

    My water heater is very old and I've been thinking about replacing it. I am thinking of hiring a professional and licensed plumber for the job, and I've been shopping around for quotes. Do I need to pull a permit for this?
  6. Melvin

    New bill allowing for trapping, neutering & releasing feral cats in South Dakota

    This is great news indeed. I hope other states follow suit. I remember seeing this somewhere in Europe; I think it was in Turkey. They have way too many cats, so the local municipalities started doing this with street cats and dogs.
  7. Melvin

    Should you set up a bounce house without a permit?

    I agree about the safety part. Permits aside, I honestly wouldn't want to set up a bounce castle/house with kids that young. I would definitely not want to be liable if something wrong happens.