Recent content by Oberon-Vortigern

  1. Oberon-Vortigern

    Why does permit require their approved electrician?

    It is frustrating and very exhausting having to go through such a long and tedious process. Logically speaking, it is a measure to prevent electrical disasters that can happen from questionable quality in wiring or a slight miscalculation in the voltage readings. It's best to have certified...
  2. Oberon-Vortigern

    Do you seal your building permits?

    We usually tell people to print the original copy they get on their emails and have it ready when the inspectors ask for it.
  3. Oberon-Vortigern

    What is the one thing you think your permit counter can do a better job of?

    I believe that being able to explain what each permit does and how the process works to the customer would be ideal since the people tend to complain a lot when not only the process is tedious but also getting lost and having to start all over.
  4. Oberon-Vortigern

    What online permitting systems do you use?

    In LA, we have LADBS to pull permits for building permits, though it's buggy.
  5. Oberon-Vortigern

    Online Portals

    In my city, we have the main city portal, which is LACITY, and it can link to 15 different portals for each city services. The convenience is nice and all if you prefer that convenience of having access of multiple city services but 15 portals can be a lot to take in.
  6. Oberon-Vortigern

    Over-the-counter Permits

    In LA, while there are E-permits that you can pay for your permit and get it quick, the site itself can be hit or miss for users. Plus they would also need to make an appointment to meet a clerk in person to start the process. It would be easier to users to be able to just walk-in over the...
  7. Oberon-Vortigern

    What Are Some Ways to Improve the Permits System

    Just a curious question, I basically work for the Department of Building and Safety as an intern and I noticed how for every step in right direction, there's always another flaw in our system. I want to ask what are ways we can do to improve our system so that it's not complicated to users and...
  8. Oberon-Vortigern

    Renter suspects lack of permits at poorly maintained Pinellas County apartment

    I hope that she is able to document everything that is happening so that she can present a legal case as well as contacting the code compliance office in her town.
  9. Oberon-Vortigern

    Scaffolding Right of Way Permits

    It sounds like you're well-versed in the permitting process for a variety of construction activities. I don't have a background with this, however I can tell you this much; with your background, you should be able to navigate the process effectively. Here are some steps and tips to help you with...
  10. Oberon-Vortigern

    Addressing Water Protection Challenges in New Mexico

    As someone from LA county, I may not know much about New Mexico's policy, but I can say this: it is crucial for New Mexico to continue to invest in and prioritize water protection, especially given the state's unique environmental challenges and the importance of water for its population and...