It's not looking good. The current administration believes the ESA is outdated, inefficient and an impairment to the current "national energy emergency" i.e. it makes drilling on U.S. soil more difficult.
I'm saddened to hear the fires have had a negative impact on migratory insects. Hopefully...
You're not wrong. The Biden administration put in extensive efforts to get the US on track with respect to environmental protection. Specifically to the ESA, I found an article from NPR that pretty much validates your observation and explains it...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed listing the monarch butterfly as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and is seeking public comments until March 12, 2025. The proposal includes protections and critical habitat designation, particularly for the western...
This does help. I'm going to read through the RRS jurisdiction and may reach out via DM with more questions. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and these resources.
Thank you for the materials. I’ve actually read them in the past but reviewed them again to see if I interpreted anything in a new light. I didn't find anything that steered my understanding away from needing a JD of some form.
An AJD seems more relevant than ever following the recent court...
I get the reasoning behind that. Over the past year, I’ve had three meetings with my boss and local regulators to discuss the differences between an AJD and a PJD, but none of them explained it as clearly as this. For a lot of the projects my company works on, we need an approved wetland...
That makes a lot of sense. I wasn't surprised by more HQ involvement post-Sackett, but I was surprised that JDs have pretty much been swept aside without an associated permit. Do you know what the reasoning was for the adjusted budget to not have JD allocations?
Hello! I am in Idaho, so I am sure there are some differences to what we're seeing, but I'll speak from my experiences. Idaho has incorporated the rule, and we have experienced extensive delays on Approved Jurisdictional Determinations. The feedback is that permits take precedence and there is...
That is helpful, it's easy to fall down a regulatory rabbit hole with the various "refer to" comments throughout different sources. Looking through the original link, there seems to be a lot of current information and training material that I will have to dive into. Keep me posted if you find...
Thank you! I believe you are correct, but we will see! We run into a lot of problematic situations - being in an area heavily influenced by agriculture and grazing practices, so the information will be valuable regardless. I will definitely keep you in the loop! I'm glad to have found a resource...
Hello, I am trying to broaden my current understanding of jurisdictional irrigation waters based on the most recent ruling as it pertains to Idaho. I found a memorandum and believe, based on my understanding of the 2023 ruling, that this document contains the most accurate and relevant...
Hello, I’m from the PNW and am excited to join this community to discuss permitting! I primarily work on obtaining permits for commercial and residential development in Idaho. My work also includes performing wetland delineations and designing storm water and drainage systems to ensure...