Recent content by W3 Planning and Research

  1. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    Well it never ended in fines from me. I was too compassionate for that, and figured that what was going to come from their insurance company and spouses were going to be lesson enough not to do it again. It ended in their insurance companies denying coverage for the loss for unpermitted work...
  2. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    I agree 100% with this. Had to write many reports over the years when fires happened because of unpermitted work, and it always ended poorly for the home owner.
  3. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    A lot of the smaller counties are looking at leveraging tech to do this research. It is low hanging fruit to get more tax dollars into the coffers versus increasing the tax rates. This is why cooperation between the building departments and the assessors is so critical. A permit isn't just a...
  4. W3 Planning and Research

    Director's / Administrative Interpretations

    I will add that I was a director in the PNW (Saw that on your profile). These determinations will have to be published in Washington and there is a timeframe that they can be challenged. Check with your legal department on that front. Not all states require posting and the availabilty, but I...
  5. W3 Planning and Research

    Director's / Administrative Interpretations

    I wish I had a copy for you, but I am long out of that department as Director. We used a variance application and included a check box for an admnistrative interpretation. When I made determinations, I wanted the same level of detail that was provided on the variance request, almost 90% of the...
  6. W3 Planning and Research

    ICC Certified Zoning Inspector?

    So this really depends on your jurisdiction. A certification will of course help you in court and testifying, and provides additional credentials if litigation were to occur. Let me take this dicsussion in a different direction for a minute. This is one of these professional areas where I...
  7. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    In all jurisdictions, the permit data is transmitted to the assessors for taxation purposes. They catch unpermitted work through aerial imagery, cross checking permit data with real estate listings, and other sources. In some jurisdictions, they can go back retroactively and charge for the...
  8. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    Typically, yes, minimal cost. You can use cameras pretty easily then to do inspections.
  9. W3 Planning and Research

    Newly Incorporated Towns

    It depends on the state and jurisdiction. It is correct, that some indeed are approved on the state level, but also on the local level. When new cities are created, one of their first orders of business is the adopt the rules of the community, it city code, zoning codes, etc. This should be...
  10. W3 Planning and Research

    Arizona's Permits in Process interactive map

    It would be horrible if they took over 404. ADEQ runs their fees the wrong way, trying to fund overly bloated departments. What they need is less office dwellers and more field people to actually do the work. I involved them in an investigation years ago related to leaking chemicals...
  11. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    I strongly disagree with just leaving it as is. As someone who was responsible for enforcement for a large county, as well as being in real estate, I see this coming back at you both on the civil side for misrepresnetation in the sale of the home, as well as with the jurisdiction for conducting...
  12. W3 Planning and Research

    Arizona's Permits in Process interactive map

    ADEQ is a total nightmare! On the applicant side it is a total joke. I am still waiting for call backs from 2 weeks ago! They don't allow modifications to permit, anytime you change ANYTHING, it is another $500 fee, so don't change your phone number, or email, or PO box, even though those...
  13. W3 Planning and Research

    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    Your best bet honestly is to call the building department and have a frank discussion with them. I always gave lienency when people came forward to correct their mistakes, including to the head of the Hells Angels once for the same thing (different story for a different day). What the...
  14. W3 Planning and Research

    Documentation for Sunroom Project

    Yes, they do have a tendency to grow into other things don't they! Nothing more permanent that a temporary use as well!
  15. W3 Planning and Research

    Do removal of backyard trees require permits?

    Check with your local zoning authority. While places like Arizona don't require permits, places like Washington State in many areas DO require permits and evaluations on why the trees are being removed. When I was in Washington I had to have an Arborist as one of my planners specifically for...