5lbs Gas Tank Cylinder


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Feb 14, 2024
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Good Morning,
I have a resident wanting to install a 5lbs gas cylinder at her residence to feed her stove. She states that she currently has Southwest gas and that lines have deteriorated and will be contacting the gas company to abandoned and have the meter removed. I have checked the 2018 IRC / 2021 IMC - 2012 IPC but the code is silent on the size of the gas tank.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
United States
I am aware that propane runs at higher pressures than natural gas and are not interchangeable.
Check in the fire code. I believe you can run any sized tank, however 5 gallons does not seem like an adequate size for heat, even in Yuma County. Fire Code should include distances from the house and other structures.

Perhaps the manufacturer of those tanks or the stove can list a minimum sized tank for use. I hate to say it, but if she was just running a 5 gallon tank, she would be better to just run a grill outside.
In my neck of the woods, it's in the building code under Liquefied Petroleum Gases, I believe. Is she hoping to opt for a fuel conversion?
In my neck of the woods, it's in the building code under Liquefied Petroleum Gases, I believe. Is she hoping to opt for a fuel conversion?
Good Morning,
The applicant stated that for now she would like to use a 5lbs gas tank cylinder and in the future upgrade to a medium size propane gas tank. Perhaps a 25lbs gas cylinder.
Thanks, @W3 Planning and Research, for the suggestion to check the fire code.

I checked the 2018 IFC (that's the one you operate under, right Maria?) and noted the table shown in Section 6104.3. The table specifies minimum separation between propane containers and buildings/public ways/lot lines based on container capacity. The table provides location restrictions for containers up to 120,000 gallons, which to me implies that there's really no maximum capacity for a residential applicant.

A 25-lb propane tank equates to only 4.6 gallons. So for the proposed 5- or 25-lb tank, the first row ("less than 125") would apply. Based on the table, you just need to make sure the tank is sited at least 5 feet from "buildings, public ways, or lot lines of adjoining property that can be built upon."