Search results

  1. Jake

    LA County's New Home Cooking Program

    This is pretty cool, but I feel the $100,000 limit to sales is, well, limiting. But I imagine not all of these cloud kitchens will make that, especially with them limited to the amount of meals they can sell. I feel like the application fee isn't too bad, as long as it's a one time thing. I...
  2. Jake

    Is a permit needed if you are changing from rug to wood floors?

    You should be free in most places to change from rug to wood flooring without the need for a permit. I still suggest checking up on local regulations and with your local building department just to be on the safe side. Regulations can vary by area, so keep that in mind. It's mostly viewed as a...
  3. Jake

    What would you do if neighbor renovated house without permits and intends to sell?

    I came across a really interesting question on Reddit, the person who posted to reddit has alleged that their neighbor fully renovated a 1930s house without obtaining a single permit, and he intends to put it on the market soon. The redditor is afraid for whoever ends up buying the property due...
  4. Jake

    Austin City Council approves resolution aimed at improving building permit process

    I completely agree. It's a step in the right direction that they are working on ways to speed the process up. Especially when it comes to businesses, as that's going to be a bit tougher I imagine. If they can figure out ways of streamlining the process and making it less tedious, I think that's...
  5. Jake

    Is it possible to assume a seller's renovation permit?

    Ah okay, so they would be required to submit an application for a new permit essentially if the work that was previously permitted was not fully finished? Just want to clarify is all. So as long as the work done was properly done, you should be fine? I get having to have new inspections done...
  6. Jake

    New TN law aims to speed up home construction by shortening permit process

    This is actually a good start, especially with the addition of having third-party examiners. It should, I hope, move the permitting process faster, as they now have more eyes on the project. I can only hope more cities and states adopt a similar idea, to help move the permitting process along...
  7. Jake

    Consequences of Operating a Food Truck Without Full Permits

    Best bet, is to always get permitted, especially when it involved food and running a food truck. It's very easy for the health department to come down on you if you're not permitted too, especially with the fines, no thanks. I've heard horror stories about people being fined because of this, and...
  8. Jake

    What's required to permit a detached pergola?

    According to the rules here in Wisconsin, a pergola can be placed in the rear of a yard, but should not exceed 144 square feet in area, and shouldn't be visible from the street. On top of that, it shouldn't be closer than 10 feet to the principal structure, and should not exceed 15 feet in...
  9. Jake

    Austin City Council approves resolution aimed at improving building permit process

    If you work for a business that has less than 100 employees or fewer and happen to live in Austin Texas, things might get better for your place of work very soon. The Austin City Council recently approved a resolution with the intent to improve the overall permitting process, more specifically...
  10. Jake

    Documenting code compliance when there's no local permitting authority

    It's ideal the contractor follows the International Residential Code (IRC) or the International Building Code (IBC) standards. Especially so if local enforcement is absent like in this case. Doing so will demonstrate that the person is at least committed to the quality and the safety in said...
  11. Jake

    Does applying Stucco require a permit?

    Oh this is more than "finish work", as you'll still be making a lot of changes to the property, so you'd still want to obtain a permit for the work. The Redditor may also require an update to the waterproofing after said change, especially if it's around any windows or doors. And keep in mind...
  12. Jake

    Renter suspects lack of permits at poorly maintained Pinellas County apartment

    That seems like the best course of action. It may result in losing the housing, but I imagine the state would come in and help with some temporary housing for her as they look into this. I honestly think it'd be best for this person to just be out of this building, it doesn't sound like a...
  13. Jake

    Tulsa Fire Marshal's Office Seeks Help to Tackle Backlog

    Sounds like the step into the right direction. They really aught to hire more people in to help with this workload. That would be a big start to help alleviate the workload and the stress that comes with it. But would $90K be enough?
  14. Jake

    Avoid permit requirements by selling 'as is'?

    I've heard of people buying property as is, but I don't know fully what the rules are in regards to that. I did a search, and it's close to what Winny says. You can sell as is, but whoever purchases the property needs to be aware of this, and they will then have to get the appropriate permits to...
  15. Jake

    Person purchased a flipped house, seller didn't disclose lack of permits

    I found another question I think you guys would be best to answer. And I can see it creating some good discussion. There is a new homeowner who purchased a flipped house, all good there, but after the purchase it was revealed that the seller did not disclose the lack of permits that he had on...
  16. Jake

    City of Dallas struggling with building permits for own permitting office

    Sounds like a giant mess that seems never-ending at this point. You'd think the City of Dallas would be more open to helping push more housing on the market. Sounds like they're just making it tougher to live in the area. I hope they can figure out some kind of solution there. It's sad to see...
  17. Jake

    Renter suspects lack of permits at poorly maintained Pinellas County apartment

    The first step I'd take in this situation, would be to reach-out to the local city or county code compliance office. Check to see if the property has the required permits. They should be able to provide you with the right details on if the home has the required permits to divide it into multiple...
  18. Jake

    Homeowner is having trouble landing permit to install a French door

    I found an interesting Reddit question that I think you guys would have some answers for. The Redditor, or should I say homeowner in this case is trying to install a French door to his house, but the BDS has pushed back on the project for the last 8 months. He's even had 2 structural engineers...
  19. Jake

    The Challenges of Transitioning to Electronic Permitting

    That's great news, because it sounds like for some permitting offices, it's not nearly as smooth a process. And you're right, tech shouldn't be slowing us down, it should if anything, speed things up. I'm glad to hear that it hasn't affected the time it takes to file with your department. :)
  20. Jake

    Do permits enhance a property's value?

    Yeah that makes perfect sense. Having it all done under the rules and by the book would provide piece of mind for just about anyone in the situation. That's a good point. I think it's like that where I live too. No matter what, they will need that proof before anything can be done.