Search results

  1. Jake

    The Challenges of Transitioning to Electronic Permitting

    What I don't get is, if they can handle paper permits, how come they can't figure out a digital system? A digital system should be more automated, faster, more precise. Yet every time I hear of issues like this, they say it's taking them longer to clear permits. I would imagine paper permitting...
  2. Jake

    Improving Permit Processes for Better Business Operations

    I'm happy to see them putting in the work to make the process better. I'm glad they chose to do this six-month data-driven analysis, because it should provide some insight on what works and doesn't work, and how to streamline the process so it works better for everyone. Permitting delays...
  3. Jake

    Should you pull permits even though they're not needed?

    I was on Reddit early and ran across an interesting question from a general contractor. He wants to know when others decide to go ahead and pull permits, but mainly for work that doesn't usually involve major changes, like with structural, electrical, or plumbing. The contractor was doing a...
  4. Jake

    When a contractor quits mid-project

    Yeah it's good to have a backup plan just in case, you never know when a contractor might have to leave for personal reasons, or they can't fulfil the work outlined. Or if they happen to be bad at their job. Always have a back up. Having a few contractors in mind helps.
  5. Jake

    What next after permit denial?

    Yeah they should let you know why you were denied, it would be kind of weird if they never told you why. And it's good to know that they can waive the fee if you resubmit in that timeframe. What if you're denied a second time? Do you still get another chance to re-apply?
  6. Jake

    Permit details for Mainers flocking to Gloucester for short but sweet scallop season

    Scallop fishing must bring in a lot of money if the permit could costs reach up to $100K alone. How many fishermen are able to join? Can it be as many as long as they don't break the daily or yearly quota? My other question is, does each person get to reach the 400,000+ pound limit? Or is it a...
  7. Jake

    Louisiana bill advances to ban permitless concealed carrying at parades

    I think this is the right call, makes sense to ban those who aren't permitted from carrying at parades. I think it should be like that for most events like this, especially when there are a lot of people around. I even think those who are permitted to carry shouldn't carry in a parade like...
  8. Jake

    A new land survey required for addition on house if one was done in 1971?

    Found a question on Reddit recently that is about permitting for a home remodel, but the user is questioning whether a survey of his land is needed. Figured it would be a great question to share here to see if anyone has had a similar situation. Anyway, the redditor has plans of updating their...
  9. Jake

    Should I obtain permit to cut down Callery Pear Trees?

    I'm sure there is some form of permit required to cut any trees on state/private lands. I would reach out to someone, maybe check with the department of Transportation in the area just in case. That or reach out to local permitting offices along with any environmental offices you can reach out...
  10. Jake

    When a contractor quits mid-project

    Had that happen to us years ago when we hired a contractor to expand a closet. Unfortunately the contractor had a family emergency and had to put the work on hold. Of course you don't know how long that is going to take, so it then relies upon you to find another contractor to continue the work...
  11. Jake

    Permit required for treehouse build in Bend? - Reddit Question

    I did a quick search around and I found some info. It sounds like the redditor won't need to file a structural permit since it'd be a detached accessory building, as long as it's under 200 square feet and doesn't exceed a certain height. Also, it's not used for sleeping in, or has any kitchen...
  12. Jake

    Driveway work could require highway occupancy permit, PennDOT says

    I think it's similar here in Wisconsin, if your property is near a public or state road and you want to pave/repair/make a driveaway you will need a permit in order to do it. I hear you are required to file a state highway connection permit in Wisconsin.
  13. Jake

    Portland permitting consolidation starting July 2024 - To help streamline permitting process

    Got an update for you all in regards to this story from last month. They have since decided on a new bureau name, that being the Portland Permitting & Development. Starting July 1st, it will centralize most residential and commercial permit processes. It will also feature up to nine work teams...
  14. Jake

    Tips for vetting firms

    I like things to be expedited or moved along at a timely manner as much as the next person, but I also don't like the idea of permits being rushed through the approval process. Which is why, if a firm says anything like that, I would definitely steer clear of them. I want them to take their time...
  15. Jake

    Who gets held liable?

    I knew someone who put an addition on their home, a bedroom I believe it was, and their contractor never obtained the required permits. Supposedly what happened was, the homeowner assumed the contractor would have the credentials to obtain permits himself and let him start work whenever he...
  16. Jake

    Portion of deck built without permit, could fines be issued while filing a permit?

    It's good the reddit user is in the process of applying for a permit. That's a good start to bringing the work to order. If you ever receive a NOV (notice of violation), it is suggested that you move fast to stop all construction where it stands. Inform the inspector you're making the required...
  17. Jake

    Contractor suggests skipping out on permits for $50K Kitchen remodel, bad idea?

    I agree 100% with everything you have to say on this. You will only incur the costs as a homeowner if you decide to let your contractor do work without a permit. The original reddit poster should know better, considering the risks that come from doing work unpermitted. It has got to be a scary...
  18. Jake

    Where is it easiest to get work permit?

    I hear it's also easy to get work work permits or work visas in Germany, Australia & New Zealand and maybe Canada. Those are ones I would consider traveling for work given the opportunity. Of course it would need to be a big opportunity because it would take a lot for me to move to another...
  19. Jake

    Installing a Water Heater

    Last time I had to replace a water heater, I needed a plumbing permit. My plumber was able to obtain one fast and he got to work. There is electrical and sometimes gas involved, so I'd suggest getting the required permits in your area. I agree 100%. What I always say, if there is a potential...
  20. Jake

    Some HOAs have the power to override a permit

    That sounds unbearable to have to go through. I don't get why some HOAs are so aggressive with weird rules like that. If I move to an area, I don't want to be stuck living under such weird and overbearing rules. Yeah true. I know they get a bad rap usually because of their guidelines and rules...