Search results

  1. Jake

    Fireworks business permits are being denied because of their obnoxious advertising

    Watched the video of them using their bullhorn. I can see neighboring businesses getting annoyed after a while. But, when you're working in a heavy business area, I'm sure there's a lot of commotion going on in the area. It sounds like anyone trying to advertise their business, or drum up...
  2. Jake

    Is it possible to assume a seller's renovation permit?

    I would assume so if you've purchased the property. But to be on the safe side, it can't hurt to reach out to a local permitting office on what the next best step would be for assuming others permits. As long as the original permit was in good order and the person didn't cut corners and the work...
  3. Jake

    Tennessee Legislators Join Movement Permitting Teachers to Carry Guns in Schools

    This is similar to my recent topic where the Iowa senate approved a bill that would allow teachers and school staff to conceal carry firearms in schools. You can find that post below if you're interested in checking it out...
  4. Jake

    Some HOAs have the power to override a permit

    I had no idea that was a thing either. At least where I live we don't have a HOA currently, but I know in some neighborhoods they do have HOAs and are very serious when it comes to what you can and can't do. I know they have their own set of rules that people in the neighborhood have to follow...
  5. Jake

    Nebraska Legislature Passes Concealed Carry Bill Without Permit Requirement

    Personally I don't agree with a bill like this, because I really think everyone should have a permit before they can carry a gun. That's just how I feel and I don't think it's safe otherwise. I'm all for allowing people to carry, as long as there is a paper trail indicating as such. I don't feel...
  6. Jake

    Commercial cannabis permitting processes in six California jurisdictions

    It's kind of known that the cannabis industry is still growing. It's also still new, as a lot of states just legalized it for recreational/medicinal use. So there is going to be some growing pains when it comes to the full on process. Rules and aspects of the permit will probably change over the...
  7. Jake

    If self driving cars become a reality, will we be required to have a permit for one?

    That's a good question. I think we're a ways off from self driving cars being mass produced for the public, but I do see them happening eventually. We already have cars that can somewhat self drive for you, but they still require a driver to be alert and at the wheel. When the time comes and it...
  8. Jake

    OKC parks might soon charge photographers for shoots in city parks?

    Article here: Oklahoma City may be doing something professional photographers might not like, and that's requiring a permit in order for them to shoot in city parks. But the kicker, they would be...
  9. Jake

    Grabbing a permit..

    I think it depends on the permit itself. Some may be granted fast depending on the department, and some might take days, weeks, or months even. As well like you said, it could very from state to state, but also city to city. Some places are understaffed, and may not grant permits in a timely...
  10. Jake

    Have you ever been denied a permit and had to reapply?

    Wow this topic blew up, I love it. Thanks to everyone who has responded. I'm learning so much here. I'm glad to hear it's kind of rare. I get some people might just forget to respond or even change their mind. It's good to know it's there if they want to continue the process. Yeah that would...
  11. Jake

    Contractor suggests skipping out on permits for $50K Kitchen remodel, bad idea?

    I would not risk it, that contractor is not going to have that persons best interest in mind if he doesn't go through the permitting process. He's just being lazy and won't do the job he's likely being paid to do in the first place. It would save the homeowner some money, sure, but it wouldn't...
  12. Jake

    Legality of someone building a bridge on your own land?

    Yeah I didn't even think of that. The neighbor should have originally been liable if so. Unless the first bridge was co-built by the neighbor and the previous owner maybe? Calling the CDFW sounds like a good idea too, more options to fight it is always a plus in my book. And yeah, same here...
  13. Jake

    City of Spokane vows to speed business permitting processes

    News From: Spokane Public Radio The city of Spokane has come up with a new system to help speed up the business permitting process, and to help bring new businesses into the area through what they call a "Rapid Response Initiative". The new initiative was signed into a resolution by Spokane...
  14. Jake

    Two common reasons for application denial

    Which is why I am always asking questions, and making sure I am 100% ready to go with any plans I have submitted before I have any work done. If I'm ever confused about the process, I ask questions, or do some research to find out for sure. I don't like risking it, so I play by the rules. I've...
  15. Jake

    Is it legal to own a skunk as a pet in Iowa?

    Awwww, I for sure want pet rats now. 😍 And that's good they get them used to humans right away. We got our mice from a town fair growing up. They used mice for this wheel game, where if they chose a hole you bet on, you get a prize. At the end of the fair they were giving away mice and we landed...
  16. Jake

    Legality of panhandling and does it require a permit in some areas?

    Here in Wisconsin you're legally allowed to panhandle as long as you're not doing what is called "Aggressive Panhandling". Which happens to be illegal here, and could get you in trouble for disorderly conduct. The reason it's allowed is because it's a part of the free speech rights in Wisconsin...
  17. Jake

    Legality of someone building a bridge on your own land?

    Thanks for the fast response. I hope I never have to deal with neighbors like that person is dealing with. I really think his best option, is to get lawyers involved and stop the process as soon as possible, because I don't think the state or city is going to move fast enough on this.
  18. Jake

    Iowa Senate approves bill allowing teachers and school staff to carry guns

    And another thing, what if these students somehow get their hands on these guns? We also don't know if these teachers will be properly trained. It says they will have tons of training, but will they retain it? If anything, I'd rather a guards placed in our schools than putting guns in the hands...
  19. Jake

    Legality of someone building a bridge on your own land?

    I found an interesting situation on reddit recently and I think it's the perfect scenario to share here. The reddit post can be viewed here - r/HomeOwners The post is about a homeowner who is dealing with unpermitted work that is happening on his own property. A neighbor is building a bridge...
  20. Jake

    What's the difference between a permit and a certification?

    I look at it this way, a permit is usually something you're required to obtain for certain means. But a certification is voluntary, and usually not always needed. A certification usually verifies something or someone's work as legitimate. You don't always need certification to obtain a permit to...