Search results

  1. Jake

    Have you ever been denied a permit and had to reapply?

    Was there ever a time where you filed for a permit, but for some reason you were denied? What was the reason for your denial? Did you end up re-submitting your claim and it finally went through as intended? I've never had to resubmit a permit, but I'm sure people make mistakes on what they're...
  2. Jake

    Supreme Court again refuses to intervene in drag show controversy

    Just let them have a location for their shows and events. Why is it so hard for these government officials to allow anything? It's not like this event was targeted towards the youth, which is what a lot of people seem to think. It's sad that colleges and even our government are stopping...
  3. Jake

    Permits and regulations for gardens and greenhouses?

    If you intend to build a greenhouse, you may be required to file a building permit depending on its size. If it's relatively small, you probably won't need to file. But, if it's a decent sized greenhouse, you may need to contend with zoning laws as well. It's best to check with your city...
  4. Jake

    NYC Landmarks Commission Debuts Digital Permitting

    I have some good news to share, as The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) recently unveiled a new digital permit program called Portico. It is a new streamlined permitting platform, mostly intended for owners of landmark properties who intend to renovate and or modernize...
  5. Jake

    Michigan Pushes for Proposal to Repeal Environmental Review Panels

    Sounds like they went the right direction with this. If the panels didn't actually do much but try and get past regulations, then it's certainly not needed. And hey, if it's a wasted program that taxpayers are still paying on, than yes, please get rid of it everywhere. Seemed unprofessional and...
  6. Jake

    New law passed Allowing 14 and 15-Year-Olds to Work Without Permits

    Same. I don't agree with lowering the working age, especially with how the government seems to want to increase the age of retirement. So they now want us to start younger so they can make us work longer into our lives. Children should be able to live their childhoods without having to work...
  7. Jake

    New Bylaws to penalize those who own derelict buildings and vacant lots in Whitehorse Canada

    The longer you let an abandoned house sit, the more fees and fines you'll have to pay, simple as that, and I think that's fair. This should help push these property owners to actually fix these properties up, and make them livable again. Or, if they can't repair the properties, to demolish them...
  8. Jake

    Who gets held liable?

    That's a good point, I forgot about that post, but it makes sense. You are responsible for the people you hire, so if you happen to hire someone who does bad work, it could come back to haunt you. Finding the right contractor is ideal in making sure the homeowner is also safe from mistakes down...
  9. Jake

    New bill allowing for trapping, neutering & releasing feral cats in South Dakota

    A new bill, SB 1172, has been signed into law by Governor Kristi Noem, that now makes it legal for some organizations to trap, neuter, and release feral cats in South Dakota. Organizations like Sioux Empire Trap Neuter and Release will now be legally allowed to do exactly that, as they will be...
  10. Jake

    Who gets held liable?

    There are some worries that come into it. You're relying on these people, and sometimes they may have glowing reviews, it doesn't mean they can't make mistakes either. I would imagine the blame lies with the homeowner first. But, the homeowner would likely have a case against the...
  11. Jake

    Going to Europe next year?

    They could make it easier and add it as a part of your passport process. That's what a passport should be used for anyway I think. I doubt it would deter tourism, I think those who are serious about traveling, will just go through the process. It may be a tedious step, but I don't think it's be...
  12. Jake

    Permit rules around selling eggs

    Anything that has to do with something like eggs, or anything to do with food, you will likely need various permits or even licenses in some locations. You also have to consider the legalities of owning a chicken for harvesting eggs, there may be requirements with how many you can own, and you...
  13. Jake

    How many permits are usually involved when demolishing a property?

    Good question. I found some info online, and it depends on the area. In most areas, you will need to file a demolition permit, at least for any structures that were originally built with a permit. But, for each structure that qualifies as a building, so you'd need to file a permit for each...
  14. Jake

    What next after permit denial?

    If all fails, appeal and try again. If you are unsure as to why you failed originally, speak with whoever failed you, and appeal to them. Ask them questions about why you were declined and what the next steps are to appeal the choice. They should also detail what reasons why you didn't qualify...
  15. Jake

    PDX backyard sauna permitting, what do you need to know?

    Hey guys, I recently came across a post on Reddit that I thought you all would take some interest in. The post in question asks about the process of building a personal sauna in the Multnomah County, Oregon area, and what they should know when dealing with local permitting rules. They've asked...
  16. Jake

    Would a permit be required to build a playhouse out of a shed?

    Thank you so much, I will read through those sites. Much appreciated! :) Right? I think a simple shed with some work done to it, would be perfect for a little play house. The one our neighbor had back in the day didn't have any electrical work or anything, was just one room, with a small cut...
  17. Jake

    Santa's reindeer

    That's actually really cool. I didn't know they submitted actual permits for towards something like that. I know with Santa's letters, they are directed to some location, so maybe that's how they do the permits too? Just an honorary permit they gain every year to make kids continue to believe. I...
  18. Jake

    Douglas County Health Department starts closing businesses for overdue food permits

    These businesses better take notice. Especially if they intend to go without a permit. I'd hate to be closed down for any period of time. I think any business caught in this, they will make it right as soon as they can, because no business wants to be closed down longer than a day or more. I...
  19. Jake

    What qualifies as a recreational event?

    To me, recreational events could refer to; local sporting events (pro, college, high school, etc), outdoor concerts/plays/comedy shows, festivals, charity events, seasonal celebrations (Christmas, Halloween, Etc), entertainment in general, cookouts, and more. I think the majority of those would...
  20. Jake

    New bill introduced to repeal 33 year old handgun buyer permit law

    I'm in agreement with the Moms on this one too. It's crazy to me that some of these people get away with not having to get a background check because of those 3 year time limits. It should be yearly and each year you should have to go through a background check. Especially when these guys can...