Search results

  1. Jake

    Permit for temporary deck needed?

    I would imagine a permit would be required in most cases, but you could try and set one up without getting the required permit, as long as it's taken down soon after, you should be fine. I think if the deck stayed for a longer period of time, you could get into some trouble. But, you do risk the...
  2. Jake

    Would a permit be required to build a playhouse out of a shed?

    My niece is currently 5 years old and I was thinking how cool it would be to team up with the family to build a small playhouse for her. She loves playing house and I think she would be so happy to get her own little playhouse. I remember my neighbor having made a playhouse out of an old shed...
  3. Jake

    Big permitting reform to happen in Pennsylvania

    Good news. Reform like this should be happening all throughout the US, just so we can get ahead of these old permitting systems that are only holding everyone back. It still weird to me that we haven't seen a sweeping change with permitting systems all over the US by now. It's easier than ever...
  4. Jake

    Language to require bully breed dog permit

    I hope you have success bringing this to law. I think it really comes down to drafting a proposal, what you want to do, what you think needs to be done, etc. I found this site that has a lot of templates you can use - You could also go...
  5. Jake

    New bill introduced to repeal 33 year old handgun buyer permit law

    A new bill is being introduced to repeal a 33 year old handgun permit law. The law as it stands today, requires a person to file a state permit and go through a criminal background check before they can complete a purchase for a handgun. There is much debate about whether it would be a good or...
  6. Jake

    How do I bring unpermitted work up to code?

    I love when you do these surveys, really gives you a wider view of what the rules are in various locations. It helps give us a better idea of what we can usually expect when it comes to filing for unpermitted work. I think most locations will give you a chance to file a permit on the work you...
  7. Jake

    Permits for Sunday hunting? It could happen.

    Yes that is correct. It likely stems from religious beliefs, as a lot of Americans go to church on Sundays, view it as a day of rest and so on. I know some states even forbid the sale of alcohol and other items on Sundays too. I agree. Sundays aren't as important. To me, it's just another day...
  8. Jake

    Is a permit required to drive around a float in a parade?

    I'm hearing you will need a parade permit in order to take part in a parade, especially if you want to drive around a float. You will want to check with your towns local regulations on parades as well. And another thing, you need to make sure that any floats you do build, are safe for everyone...
  9. Jake

    Permit Purgatory: Street Food Vendors Stuck in Legal Limbo

    If the state is taking their sweet old time to get a permitting system in place, then it should be within their rights to run these businesses unabated until things change. Are they supposed to wait until July? They could be losing sales and customers in the process of waiting this out. I sure...
  10. Jake

    Attempts to regulate street vending in Orange County

    Found an article from NBC Los Angeles here, that is about new regulations on street vending in Orange County California. It seems as if there are a lot of illegal street venders across the county and nearby. Officials in the county are addressing this issue by enforcing permit requirements going...
  11. Jake

    New platform to streamline permitting process for contractors

    Yeah it's a great start. It should make it easier for homeowners as well. And yeah, I hope to see more locations create their own permit hubs, so that it's easier to find the permits you need and obtain them even faster. We're moving into the right direction, just need to get more places to...
  12. Jake

    Supreme Court Decision on Gun Range Ordinance

    This was the right call in my opinion. People can be stupid when it comes to firing guns, and it should be at a designated location like a firing range, unless you're a hunter out hunting. I think firing ranges should be far away from any buildings where people congregate, especially homes. I...
  13. Jake

    What kind of permits are needed for public performances?

    Are they going to get the venue and obtain any permits or licenses they may need? Sounds like your cousin is playing by the rules, good for her. I researched this a bit and in Michigan you do need to file some things before you can put on public performance, whether it be a stage play, musical...
  14. Jake

    Legality of owning a wolf-dog in Arkansas

    Yeah it depends on the location, as some places are fine with it, while in Arkansas there are some rules you must adhere to. And I agree, if you're ever convicted of any form of animal abuse, you should never be able to adopt or care for animals ever again. No second chances in regards to that...
  15. Jake

    Legality of owning a wolf-dog in Arkansas

    What is the legality of owning a wolf-dog in Arkansas? Well it's completely legal to own a wolf-dog, or any "Wolf-Dog hybrid", and a permit is not required. But, the owner must make it known that their dog is a cross between a wolf and a domestic dog, and it can't be by just its appearance...
  16. Jake

    There's still time to apply for a Parks and Recreation commercial use permit in Juneau

    Ok, so these permits are meant for business owners and anyone selling products or services in the area? I know near me, we have a fair deal of food trucks and other small shops near our local parks. Do businesses near a park need to obtain a permit too? Or is it just anyone using the park for...
  17. Jake

    Should you apply for a filming permit for a small crew to film inside of a restaurant?

    Yeah that's always a possibility, even in a small shoot like this one. I suppose it's the risk you take in order to go unpermitted. I think most people would be fine risking it, but you never know when an injury could spring up. I don't think that would happen though, unless the place happened...
  18. Jake

    What permits would be required to build your own inground pool?

    That's a good question. I looked into it a bit online, and found some info that might help you. You likely will need a few permits, one being a residential building permit, which is required in Michigan when building an inground pool, same with needing an electrical permit. My guess is only when...
  19. Jake

    Should you apply for a filming permit for a small crew to film inside of a restaurant?

    Thanks, that's what I thought too. Since it was so small scale, and they got permission from the owner of the restaurant, I doubt they would have faced any trouble. If I was in the situation I think I would have filed one just in case, but if the owner is cool with it, I see no issue skipping...
  20. Jake

    Should you apply for a filming permit for a small crew to film inside of a restaurant?

    I was on reddit recently and came across an interesting question that I think you all would like to hear an answer to. The post on reddit was in regards to the legality of filming branded content inside of a restaurant, but without filing a permit to do so. The person asking the question wants...