Search results

  1. Jake

    Harvest hay on the highway

    I didn't know they did this sort of thing, but it's pretty cool in my book to find use out of stuff you normally wouldn't. Like collecting hay on the side of the road. But if it's free, than I can see some people taking advantage of that. The only issues I have with it, is that it could have...
  2. Jake

    What's the process for obtaining a Restricted species permit?

    Thank you for the answer. I had a feeling there was a lot that goes into taking ownership and care of restricted species, especially those being mangrove snakes and false water cobras. No problem, was happy to post it here. And yeah, I think the 2 years experience is key, this means that not...
  3. Jake

    Louisiana lawmakers advance permitless concealed carry gun bill

    Is it that bad to apply for a concealed carry permit? I think it's a bit of added protection when you have to apply for a permit. It's one thing to go through the usual background checks, but if you can go through that, what's the fuss with getting a permit too? I have a feeling this will end up...
  4. Jake

    Missing revenue from permitless firearms?

    Makes you wonder what it's like in other states that have also done something similar. I imagine it costed them a lot of money as well. But yeah, $20 million a year is crazy to lose out on. Maybe they should bring permits back. :D
  5. Jake

    What happens when you decide to renovate your home without a permit

    Yeah Insurance is really serious about it. It's probably the first thing they look for when you make a claim to them. If they find any work done that was unpermitted, I imagine it could have an affect on other work you need done as well, including filing other permits for work to be done. Who...
  6. Jake

    Most unexpected?

    I would have never guessed being required to obtain a permit to use temporary fencing. I suppose it makes sense, but with it being temporary I see no issues, especially if you fully remove it after use. But I suppose it's a requirement because people probably often leave those fences behind for...
  7. Jake

    Stutsman County Park Board approves changes for 2024 dock permits

    New changes have been approved for 2024 seasonal boat dock permits after a 6-1 vote was issued by The Stutsman County Park Board. The new permitting rules will allow docks of up to 60 feet in length. As well, it will allow the use of motorized vehicles for said dock installation and removal...
  8. Jake

    What happens when you decide to renovate your home without a permit

    If I ever make any repairs, it's usually small stuff around the house. Basically stuff that can easily be fixed. Nothing big, as I don't want to risk damage to my house, and also don't want to risk being fined or getting into trouble. If it's a big change or fix, I will go to my local permitting...
  9. Jake

    Oversize trip versus annual permit

    For me, a tiny home shouldn't be moved often, unless you're someone who travels often. If you intend to move it once, a one time use permit should be more than enough. But an annual permit for moving wouldn't be bad if you happen to have a more mobile tiny home. I know those exist, some people...
  10. Jake

    Introduction of New GIS Maps in Montgomery County

    If you live in Montgomery, you should know you have access to new GIS Maps (Geographic Information Systems) that were released by the Department of Permitting Services (DPS) recently. These GIS maps help provide public information that has to do with floodplains, permitting activates and...
  11. Jake

    Hydropower permits denied on Navajo land

    If they can find land that isn't Navajo land, they could potentially make this work. I think hydropower is a great system to implement, especially when it can benefit the community. If anything, why not work more with the Navajo and see if they can spare any land for this project. I'm sure they...
  12. Jake

    NY State General Permit Now Available to Expedite Recovery Efforts After Major Storm Events

    It's for sure needed, especially in a time of emergency. It will help a lot in smoothing over the process and making it easier on everyone. I didn't think of that, that's a really good point to keep in mind. There could very well be nefarious characters who are in it to abuse the system. So...
  13. Jake

    Building permits needed for detached garage?

    That sounds like a pretty big garage at 30x60. The best thing you can do in this scenario, is to contact your local codes or building department about any required permits before starting anything. The next steps would be to submit a building permit application along with any construction plans...
  14. Jake

    Saving money by applying for permits yourself

    I wish it was that easy to do. Every time I've needed to do any work, I had to get a contractor to do the majority of it. I tried to file for permits for work I was going to do, but ended up having issues when I was required to get a contractor in to finish most of it up. It may save money early...
  15. Jake

    What's the process for obtaining a Restricted species permit?

    This should be an interesting one. Found this over on Reddit in a community called r/VenomousKeepers. I think this is a question people would find informative, so here we are. The user would like to know what the process is like when obtaining a restricted species permit in Ohio, as he owns...
  16. Jake

    Most difficult part of the process?

    There is a lot that needs to be done when it comes to building a new home. Check with your local planning office, and ask what would be needed to get started, as each location will differ on their rules and regulations. You need to take into account the specific requirements and regulations to...
  17. Jake

    Conservation Groups Petition EPA Over Air-Pollution Permit for West Elk Mine

    When you're putting off that much pollution, I think it's find to reassess the situation, and put out a streamlined plan that addresses these issues and hopefully finds a solution that both sides are happy with. I think they should be forced to file permits that enforce strict pollution control...
  18. Jake

    Legality of riding in the back of a pickup truck in New Hampshire

    Yeah seems to be different everywhere. I think for New Hampshire you have to be at least 19 years old to ride in the back of truck. Weird they make it 19 and not 18, but not a big different or deal. Sitting in the back of a pickup can be dangerous, so I understand why we have these rules. But...
  19. Jake

    Should you still obtain a concealed carry permit?

    When it comes to any form of weaponry, including guns, it's ideal go obtain a concealed carry permit. Understanding the legal framework of it all is important. It may be a scary feeling to let the government know you own a gun, but it's important to do so, as it shows you're a law abiding...
  20. Jake

    Legality of riding in the back of a pickup truck in New Hampshire

    Have you ever rode in the back of a pickup truck? I've done it a few times in my life, but I was never sure if it was legal or illegal. I guess in New Hampshire, they are cool with people riding in the back of a pickup, as it's part of their "Live Free or Die" motto, which is somewhat shared by...