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  1. C

    LADBS new site rollout

    As the year comes to a close, the new site for LADBS will roll out and hopefully be avoidant to issues that tend to plague new sites. Any advice for those who have implemented new sites this month?
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    Other names for Over-the-counter permits?

    We call them in my department RTIs, ready to issue permits and would suggest possibly OTC permits?
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    Permit for Temporary Event

    I tend to receive many inquiries regarding temporary events such as anything holiday related (i.e. Thanksgiving), and as I do not work for street vending or liquor vending permits, I am wondering if your department has a fast track process or a regular wait time for temporary events and if so...
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    Hello from California 🏝️

    Hi all! I work for the Building and Safety Department of Los Angeles! The permit types I specialize in are construction permits. What I contribute to permitting talk is just questions and possible answers relating to permits and such. Thank you!
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    What is your building permit turn-around time?

    For the customers in my department, it depends but if it’s a residential permit it takes up to 1-2 weeks and if it’s more of a commercial permit then it could take up to 3-4 weeks. It is pretty efficient and fast on our end.
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    Building on Formerly Uninhabited Land

    If a county were for example, to allow permitting of a site for construction, what would the implications be that it passes an environmental check and when construction begins, hazardous materials are found within the site? Given that many extensive quality checks are conducted beforehand, would...
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    GPT Los Angeles Building Codes

    I did try and the responses were very helpful!
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    GPT Los Angeles Building Codes

    When coming to terms such as where, the bot tends to explain what rather than where. For example, I asked a few where questions such as where to obtain a permit etc and it explained to me what type of permits are allowed but not where to obtain. Not sure if I was asking the wrong type of...
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    Are permits in your jurisdiction easier to obtain or more difficult than others?

    I am aware that many jurisdictions may not have online permit ticketing systems like my jurisdiction does. How long does it take in average for your jurisdiction to issue a building permit when compared to others?
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    Would supplemental permits be necessary for ADUs in the future?

    I meant in the sense of structural permits such as perhaps, a structural/electrical permit
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    Would supplemental permits be necessary for ADUs in the future?

    In my county, permits are needed for ADUs but I have yet to see supplemental permits needed. As ADUs are transitioning into a form of permanent housing, I am wondering if the need for supplemental permits might be needed for specifically ADUs in the near future.
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    What Are Some Ways to Improve the Permits System

    To improve the permits system is very laborious depending on the department. For I. I work in a department that has a lot of bureaucracy and it takes time to improve anything let alone changes to the permitting system. However one idea I am putting forward is finding a way to streamline the...
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    Addressing Water Protection Challenges in New Mexico

    I have no experience with New Mexico water regulations but as an example as to how it can be addressed, take Los Ángeles for example. The river was highly polluted 30-40 years ago until the city adopted several policies to combat this specific to their environment. One of the outcomes was that a...
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    Do permits enhance a property's value?

    I believe they do enhance a property’s value but it depends on the type of permit. If the permit for example, is of a remodeling sense then yes it would greatly increase the value. However if it is a permit regarding a deletion of a part of the property in order to greatly improve building...
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    Should you pull permits even though they're not needed?

    So although they may be pricey, it is usually recommended as it avoids a possible issue with the department and with reinforcement code. Also in any case when it comes to finalizing the permit and it is not needed, one can always not finalize (as it’s not needed) or can cancel it if anything. If...
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    When a contractor quits mid-project

    When a contractor quits mid project it can be a huge setback but there should always be a backup plan to cover that sort of thing. Usually the permit is under the homeowners name or via an accessible means in case an issue could possibly arise but once the contractor is gone it is all dependent...
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    Hello! I am new to this but I hope to be able to contribute more. Greetings from the West Coast!