Search results

  1. Ir3th0283

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    Calculating the permit fee as Utility Misc. under the BVD August 2023.
  2. Ir3th0283

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    Good Morning Cass, Yes. They are small structures where customers bring in their water container to fill them with water. Please see attachment:
  3. Ir3th0283

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    Good Morning, I received a submittal for a pre-manufactured self-water vending building. What group would it be under? This is my first water vending project and not sure if it should be classified as Utility (Misc.). Thank you,
  4. Ir3th0283

    Solar Refund

    Hei Eric, Still debating on this one. Per our records, no inspections were conducted. Permit was issued 5/14/2024 and email requesting refund came in 8/1/2024. However, since the type of permit is a set fee, my department is set that no refund is optional.
  5. Ir3th0283

    Certificate of Completion

    Good Morning, I'm looking for a Certificate of Completion template that other municipalities might be using. Our municipality has no record of never issuing one. Has anybody issued one?
  6. Ir3th0283

    5lbs Gas Tank Cylinder

    Good Morning, The applicant stated that for now she would like to use a 5lbs gas tank cylinder and in the future upgrade to a medium size propane gas tank. Perhaps a 25lbs gas cylinder.
  7. Ir3th0283

    5lbs Gas Tank Cylinder

    I am aware that propane runs at higher pressures than natural gas and are not interchangeable.
  8. Ir3th0283

    5lbs Gas Tank Cylinder

    Good Morning, I have a resident wanting to install a 5lbs gas cylinder at her residence to feed her stove. She states that she currently has Southwest gas and that lines have deteriorated and will be contacting the gas company to abandoned and have the meter removed. I have checked the 2018 IRC...
  9. Ir3th0283

    Solar Refund

    Good Morning Emily, The $150 is a set fee that includes the installation fee and our inspector's visit.
  10. Ir3th0283

    Documentation for Sunroom Project

    Yes Eric. The applicant is proposing a sliding door. She also is proposing a custom build.
  11. Ir3th0283

    Solar Refund

    I have received a solar submittal refund. Permit was issued. Our records show no inspections for installation. Applicant is requesting a refund on the submittal. What would be the right way to handle this request considering that these type of permits are a set fee of $150.00?
  12. Ir3th0283

    Documentation for Sunroom Project

    My apologies. I forgot to mention that the patio to be converted into an Arizona sunroom is existing.
  13. Ir3th0283

    Documentation for Sunroom Project

    Good Morning, I have received my first sunroom project in our jurisdiction. What would be the documentation required for this type of project?
  14. Ir3th0283

    What is your building permit turn-around time?

    In Somerton, AZ, per requirements of A.R.S. § 9-835, See Attachment:
  15. Ir3th0283

    Happy Halloween!!!!

    Vanessa dressed up as Dr. Facilier of The Princess and the Frog. It wasn't as special as the other Halloween characters. But it was ok.
  16. Ir3th0283

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    Good Morning, Plans are underway for a $7 Billion development project billed as a "City within a City" in Phoenix, AZ. The 2,300-acre site will surround the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) in Phoenix, AZ, which is being developed by New York-based Mack Real Estate Group in...
  17. Ir3th0283

    Happy Halloween!!!!

    I did not get dressed this year. There is a special co-worker in the office, though, where I work that Halloween is her favorite holiday and every year since she started working for our agency dresses up uniquely. Waiting for her to come in and see what this year's costume is. I will post soon...
  18. Ir3th0283

    Happy Halloween!!!!

    Good Morning All, Any one of you got dressed today for Halloween? If so, describe your Halloween costume. If not, describe the most creative and awesome costume in the office where you work.
  19. Ir3th0283

    Over-the-counter Permits

    In Somerton, AZ, we offer the following as OTC: Demolitions Like-for-like windows & doors A/C & Water Heater changeouts APS Turn-ons (Only) Garage door replacements Reroofs