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  1. Heatman

    Pulling Your Own Permits

    Well, I believe that it actually depends on the kind of work project that you have in mind of carrying out in your home and also if you have the skill and knowledge to see through the whole permitting plans, I believe that it's something that can be done. In a situation where it's a very big...
  2. Heatman

    Long Beach Launches New Online Permitting System for Residential Renewable Energy Initiatives

    Yeah, that's very correct. Renewable energy is the future. We have relied on fossil fuels for a long and it adds to the pollution that's affecting our health so badly. With the use of renewable energy more than we need to use the other orthodox means of energy generation, it saves us health...
  3. Heatman

    Christmas Tree Permits in Montana

    Seriously, it's not surprising to me at all being that industrialization have almost depleted our nature. Most trees within our living close proximity have all been cut down for industrial purposes and real estate. Our ecosystem have been badly affected by this act, hence the need for this sort...
  4. Heatman

    Special Use Permits

    Personally, I wouldn't see it as being cumbersome because of the importance it carries. In a situation where an accident that's fatal occur, there's going to be a lot of investigations asking questions on whether all the necessary safety measures were taken? By that time, someone might be dead...
  5. Heatman

    Make Up Permit in Morrisville PA

    We are no longer in the stone age where there's no need for make up. I can understand that some make up can be misleading but that doesn't warrant needing a permit for someone to make up. It's like taking away one's freedom of dressing by getting them to pay for it before it done. It doesn't...
  6. Heatman

    Updates for Building Permits and Sewer Rates in Edgecomb

    This is actually it's very important to make sure that you reach out and contact the building department that issues permits for any kind of building projects that you want to carry out. It's never going to end well when you just assume that you know it all or that nothing have changed. Make all...
  7. Heatman

    Sunrise brief: Solar developers react to Texas permitting proposal

    In any kind of project, safety and the general good of the community where such a project is meant to be carried out needs to put into a big consideration. This is exactly what the Solar developers in Texas are pushing for. Even though it's very important to streamline the permitting process to...
  8. Heatman

    What kind of home improvements do not require permits in the United States?

    It's always going to work against you when you're assuming that you don't need a permit for this or that. You will end up getting caught with a new change that you haven't familiarise yourself with. It's not going to take you much to consult the building department or any other body that's going...
  9. Heatman

    California's AB 316: Impact on Self-Driving Trucks and the Road Ahead

    Self driving car? No please we need more testing before it should be introduced fully into the public. Now, they are talking about the introduction of self driving trucks? No, I'm not in support of it. I wouldn't even support for any truck at all to be allowed in the public road. It doesn't...
  10. Heatman

    Do You Need Insurance With a Learner's Permit?

    Whether someone is a learner or a professional driver, he or she is prone to being involved in an accident when driving. This is the reason why having an insurance is very important for both someone with learner's permit in the USA or a pro with his full permit. An accident won't look at you and...
  11. Heatman

    Yoruba added to driver’s permit test in America

    Adding Yoruba to the driver's permit test in America is a great news for my African brothers. The Yorubas will be greatly helped with this new law of being included and recognised in USA permitting process for driving licence. This is how a community should be where almost every tribe is looked...
  12. Heatman

    Why Puerto Rico Is Adding ‘USA’ to Its Driver’s Licenses

    Well, people born in Puerto Rico which is a commonwealth of the United States, have the same birthright American citizenship as people born in the 50 states, so they shouldn't be made to face this issue with their driver's license being rejected as not being a valid ID in USA. At least after the...
  13. Heatman

    What permits do I need to start a street food business in New York City?

    Definitely, all these permits are very important and must be attained before you can successfully start a street food business in New York City. When you look at all the permits, you can understand the reason why they are a must have. The most important thing is for the departments involved with...
  14. Heatman

    Pasadena Introduces Effortless Permitting for Solar PV and Energy Storage Systems

    The City or Pasadena have brought a big game changer to their residents with the Pasadena Solar-App Express online portal that's targeted at expediting the permitting process by bringing a smoother experience for all involved parties when it comes to having to adopt renewable energy solutions...
  15. Heatman

    Long Beach Launches New Online Permitting System for Residential Renewable Energy Initiatives

    Wow, this is a very good and welcoming development with theLong Beach's new online permitting system for renewable energy projects. Whenever a permitting process is taken online, it's targeted to make the whole process easier and less stressful for those who need the permits for their projects...
  16. Heatman

    Alabama Forestry Commission Suspends Burn Permits Amid Wildfire Risk

    I have never been a fan of burning the fields, grasslands, or woodlands for any reason whatsoever. If you have seen how devastating wildfires can be especially when it comes to destroying everything in its path and possibly killing all the wildlife living in those places, you're going to think...
  17. Heatman

    Austin Paver Patio Permit Guidelines

    This is a very good information for anyone who's living in Austin Texas. Permitting process of each state differs and some of them can be a headache if you don't know how to go about them especially when you have a project that you want to carry out. I don't live in Austin Texas but I've got...
  18. Heatman

    Hot Water Heater Replacement in Brevard County: Permit Concerns and Homeowner Insights

    There are some minor projects that doesn't require getting any permit for the job. A minor electrical repairs that don't involve adding new or moving existing service doesn't require getting a permit but I'm very sure that they are supposed to get a permit for replacing their hot water heater...
  19. Heatman

    Brainerd Updates Regulations: Double Fees for After-the-Fact Zoning Permits

    Some people are always trying to play too smart and too fast, well they are the reason why such changes are always made. If they have it their way, they wouldn't want to go through the permitting process at all. I can understand that some of them would want to get everything over with so far...
  20. Heatman

    Do You Really Need Permits for Minor Renovations?

    There are some minor projects that doesn't require a permit and I think that what he's planned to do in his kitchen shouldn't be needing a permit. Some of the works that you can do by yourself at home without needing a contractor for the job which doesn't need a permit are ; 1. Painting or...