Search results

  1. Heatman

    Restaurant owners in Utah are happy due to the state new digital liquor permitting

    A restaurant that sells liquor needs their alcohol permits to be in business, otherwise they would be forced to shutdown. This have been the case of many restaurants in Utah that couldn't get their permits and they were forced to close up shop. But it's a good thing that it's something that's...
  2. Heatman

    Special Use Permits

    The Importance of these special permits is for the government agencies that it's their job to oversee everything that goes on in such areas to be aware of whatever that's going on there and all the variables involved should there be a need to take a necessary action if there's an incident...
  3. Heatman

    Christmas Tree Permits in Montana

    I completely understand the need for getting a permit to cut down a Christmas tree and that's probably what the government in Montana looks at as well. It's basically them not encouraging deforestation because some people can be very inconsiderate when it comes to how they chop down trees for...
  4. Heatman

    Heatman says hello 👋

    With all pleasure @Shortie, I'm equally looking forward to it.
  5. Heatman

    Heatman says hello 👋

    Hello everyone, I'm Heatman. Surfing through FP and came across the forum and after checking it out, it's something unique from the regular usuals I see often. It's what got me to sign up. I'm looking forward to enjoy it here. Peace ✌️.