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    Environmentalists lose latest court battle against liquified natural gas project in Louisiana

    Environmentalists opposed to a planned liquified natural gas terminal and pipeline in southwest Louisiana lost a court battle a few weeks ago over a federal permit for the project. The Sierra Club and the Healthy Gulf organization had asked an appeals court in New Orleans to review and vacate...
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    NY Identifies Issues in Crypto Mine Air Permit Dispute

    A New York State Administrative Law Judge issued a Ruling on Greenidge Generation’s appeal of the Department of Environmental Conservation’s denial of the operation’s Title V Air Permit. The ruling finds that Greenidge Generation’s operations are inconsistent with and will interfere with the...
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    Rise Gold pushes to mine without permit.

    I do not understand how certain companies/institutions can act without the appropriate permit that allows them to carry out a specific activity, mining is very harmful to the environment and there must be strict regulation that supervises it, but it seems that some companies have some extra...
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    Texas Permits Lignite Mine Expansion Despite Water Worries

    The state has issued only two new coal mining permits in 10 years, both to a company with a controversial environmental legacy that worries locals that toxic ash could contaminate drinking water. Texas regulators on Tuesday approved a 12,000-acre coal mine expansion despite objections from...
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    Frankfort now has an online system to make the permit process quicker

    This is fantastic news for those people who reside or have a business in Frankfort, they will not only be able to track their permits or those that are pending but also carry out any procedure related to the permit, they also ensure that said software has an easy-to-use interface, which is...
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    Huntsville issues permits for $52.8 million Hays Farm apartment complex

    Hello everyone, here the news: Permits were issued last week for a $52.8 million Hays Farm apartment complex under construction at 850 Haysland Road. Jeffrey Cairney, Camden Securities Company vice president of finance, acquisitions and asset management, told the Lede in an earlier interview...
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    Albuquerque Building Safety Division

    With a Google rating of 2.3 stars and all the negative reviews that clients of Albuquerque Building and Safety have written, they should rethink the service they are providing, there is no worse service than the one in which you are not even able to contact by phone, It's a sign that they don't...
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    Pasco County Central Permitting Goes Digital

    That is good news, the fact of being able to get your permits online can speed up the entire process, the citizens of Pasco can be happy with this news, I believe that this is the way to follow in all municipalities and towns in the country, since digitalization is inevitable in all aspects.
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    Property Boundary Dispute in Homestead, Florida: The Significance of Accurate Surveys and Effective Communication

    If I understand correctly what is happening here, is it that both neighbors are claiming the same land and one of them has already built a fence on said land? This seems somewhat difficult to resolve, I think the best thing would be to clarify who owns the land and for both neighbors to reach a...
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    Thousands of migrants crowd in Mexican Tapachula in search of transit permits that allow them to continue their journey to the U.S

    Well, we also have to know that the number of immigrants who have entered the North American country during Biden's mandate has been too high, let's just look at the example of Cuba, I believe that no country can support that level of immigration continuously, both legal and illegal. Therefore...
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    White House Encourages Eligible Immigrants to Apply for Work Permits

    According to what I have heard, the work permit has been something quite difficult to obtain under this last mandate of the Democrats, many immigrants have not been eligible for said permit for a long time, simply receiving financial aid from the state and without being able to do much, many...
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    Morro Bay Eases Permitting Fees for Winter Storm Flood Victims

    If I were in the situation in which I have been a victim of the flood and my home has been affected, I would see this movement by the Morro Bay city council very well, a rate cut of 50% is enough and can alleviate a lot to the families who are having a hard time right now due to the disaster...
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    DeKalb County Takes a Stand with Non-Discrimination Ordinance

    This is great news for the LGTBQ+ community in DeKalb, we must all be seen equally before the law regardless of our race, beliefs, gender identity, etc... Although I also believe that the penalty issued to violators is not very high, $500 for each violation committed It can be a fairly low...
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    Utah Wildlife Board Grants 200 Expo Permits for 2024 Hunting Season

    I see quite well that the permits are limited no matter how great the demand (requests) is because otherwise, as you say, they would annihilate the wildlife, in addition the money collected from all the requests helps preserve said wildlife and the ecosystem, if $5 is raised for each request, we...
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    Thousands of migrants crowd in Mexican Tapachula in search of transit permits that allow them to continue their journey to the U.S

    Thousands of migrants gathered on Monday to obtain shelter or transit permits that would allow them to continue their journey to the United States border. About 2000 people gathered in front of the refugee aid commission (Comar) to put pressure, some of them have been there for more than 15...