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  1. High Voltage

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    These are in Prescott Valley off Fain and Viewpoint. I didn't go out and take measurements, but the door frames look to be 2 to 2 1/2 feet wide. If I was struggling and this came up and I met the financial criteria, I'd buy one.
  2. High Voltage

    Civil Rights And The Homeless

    With a lot of them, it's not so much that they choose homelessness but rather don't want to conform to rules. At all. Homelessness is just a by-product of that decision, and the longer you're out there on the streets, the harder it is to acclimate back into society.
  3. High Voltage

    Boston residents can now have backyard beehives, required a $25 permit

    I always thought beekeeping was a cool, little hobby. I always associated that with rural settings and not a metro like Boston, though. I guess you can do it anywhere.
  4. High Voltage

    Civil Rights And The Homeless

    I found a discussion on Reddit last night that I found intriguing. It was about the homeless problem in a major metro area and how there are so many reasons for different people and familes being homeless. It used to be just certain types of people living on the streets, now it's a wide...
  5. High Voltage

    New concealed carry law will allow 18-year-olds to have guns without permit starting Fourth of July

    That last guess is the most probable IMO. Without making this a full-blown rant, the NRA is wholly responsible for the gun culture and violence in this country. They need to go away.
  6. High Voltage

    New York State Launches Mobile ID App For Licenses and Permits

    I see it more as a backup plan in case you lose your wallet. It's always good to have second copies of things, like car keys as well.
  7. High Voltage

    Norway to award seabed exploration permits in 2025

    If a company goes out there mining and finds a shipwreck, I'm sure they would notify whomever they need to notify. In that area of the world, I would think that Viking wreckage would be all they find.
  8. High Voltage

    Always reach out to 811 before you dig? Really?

    Do a little "digging" into information on how deep gas, water or electrical lines go underground. Square that information with how deep your plant/tree has to go and determine the need to call from that. I think companies have to put that information on their product by law because different...
  9. High Voltage

    Paid 24/7 driverless car services are now available in San Francisco

    I still think driverless vehicles should be kept in places like airports that shuttle people to and from the parking lots to the terminals. There are a lot less traffic variables in areas like that. Anywhere there is a fixed route to be driven on, is where driverless vehicles should be kept.
  10. High Voltage

    Change of use permit residential homes

    I don't think changing the zoning in an area of town is what cities do. Most multi-family homes fit the criteria for assisted living homes anyway, so it's just a matter of making minor ADA type adjustments to an existing home, if need be.
  11. High Voltage

    Make Up Permit in Morrisville PA

    We can call it the Stone Age, or we can call it simplicity. I doubt it was an Amish community that required permits for this. That's not something they would do. They would just shun a woman who put on make-up because it would be obvious that she wasn't interested in the way of life anymore.
  12. High Voltage

    Using someone's Handicap tag could be a hefty fine

    Most of the time, I choose to park far away from a business entrance because I know I need more exercise. The walk is good for me. Purposely choosing handicap parking when you're not handicapped is not only illegal, but it's not as healthy.
  13. High Voltage

    Remodeling Guidelines

    Does every city have remodeling guidelines that are used in deciding what permit(s) are needed? I know most, if not every, major city has them, but what about the smaller ones?