Search results

  1. S

    Are licensed architects always required for plan drawings?

    You should be VERY VERY careful here. There are laws in all 50-states that regulate the practice of architecture and engineering and what is allowed and NOT allowed by State Law regarding the practice. Unlicensed individuals, that engage in the practice, can be fined to a degree that would...
  2. S

    Maine family faces big fines over unpermitted cabins

    It's not reasonable in this day and age to "not know" permits would be required for so many structures. Besides ICC and SLDO requirements, there is a water supply issue and sewage issue - whether these cabins are connected to public supply or private there are important code design requirements...
  3. S

    Are licensed architects always required for plan drawings?

    Boy there is some bad advice here. Especially the build prescriptively concept because the codes and standards are adopted. If codes and standards were not adopted, there typically is not any requirement to attain a local permit to follow them. You attain the signature and seal of a licensed...
  4. S

    Who gets held liable?

    Yep certainly a possibility. However, while I have seen the same thing, I have also seen similar situations as you point out where an engineer, and land use attorney together attend the board of adjustment and get a more reasonable decision. That said, if the work simply did not comply with...
  5. S

    Is it possible to assume a seller's renovation permit?

    Most likely no they cannot. Sometimes they can transfer a permit; but most times the transfer of the permit requires a new permit application and fee because if the terms of the permit are not adhered to; they usually cannot go after the former owner/former permittee and they want the permanent...
  6. S

    Tips for vetting firms

    Reputable Professional service firms should not make claims of being able to expedite permit application approvals. They do not control the timeline, the permit issuing authority controls the timeline. I would second Eric's suggestion to check with the municipal authority or permit authority...
  7. S

    Who gets held liable?

    The property owner is generally liable for the permits - even if a contractor submits the permit, most muni's will require that either the contractor have a POA from the landowner or the property owner signs the permit application. In this way, they cannot claim they "didn't know". Very much...
  8. S

    Legality of someone building a bridge on your own land?

    Great points - Right back at ya and thanks for the specifics! As a licensed engineer, my advice is ALWAYS to attain a JD or PJD during early planning stages of any construction project and, yeah - I know the world has changed since the SCOTUS decision (what? 18-mo or so ago?) They stopped...
  9. S

    Legality of someone building a bridge on your own land?

    VERY VERY few real estate attorneys will have much of an idea on what to do. The question is, is the creek designated as waters of the US (WOUS)? why did a structural engineer designate the bridge as unsafe? Who paid them to assess the bridge? My first move would be to hire an environmental...