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  1. Overtime

    What qualifies as a recreational event?

    I know that many permitting obligations are determined by the event's location, but is there a general idea of what might qualify as a recreational event in the first place?
  2. Overtime

    Rhode Island simplifies permitting process

    From what I've read, it's a mandatory system, at least for the building and construction permits. Thankfully, there are kiosks located in various government and agency lobbies throughout the state. So, if you don't have easy access to a computer, or you need some help filling out the...
  3. Overtime

    How do I bring unpermitted work up to code?

    In my area, homeowners are given a grace period to bring their new home up to code without needing to pay for a retroactive permit. Of course, the tricky part is discovering the issue before the grace period runs out. That's why it's so important to have a rigorous home inspection.
  4. Overtime

    Do you look for workers who are safety certified?

    Do you look for builders who are listed as a Certified Safety Manager in construction work? I've noticed it listed on a few business websites, and I'm wondering whether it's worth seeking out those who have passed the exam.
  5. Overtime

    Maine family faces big fines over unpermitted cabins

    This is the first I've heard about this family and the world's tallest flagpole. I wonder why they gave up on the goal? In their shoes, I'd sue whichever attorney or developer it was that failed to pull the necessary environmental permits in the first place.
  6. Overtime

    Permit Purgatory: Street Food Vendors Stuck in Legal Limbo

    I feel for those guys. I hope they don't end up losing their livelihood. It would feel horrible to be in their situation. You'd think that the court would fast-track their decision, assuming that's where it ends up.
  7. Overtime

    Rhode Island simplifies permitting process

    Rhode Island is the latest state to simplify the permitting process by offering its citizens access to its permitting portal. The official website explains that, "The Rhode Island Statewide Permitting Initiative will establish a uniform, web-based system to be used by the State, its...
  8. Overtime

    Why is this a rule?

    I get it, Fred. It seems crazy to think someone would apply for a permit with the wrong address. Doing so would simply nullify the permit, rather than giving the person an advantage, such as a chance to break zoning laws, since the fraud would be discovered upon inspection. It would be an...
  9. Overtime

    Most unexpected?

    If you've ever thrown a public event, you might've been surprised at how many permits you needed to obtain. Whether you hosted a fundraiser for a non-profit, a commencement ceremony for graduates, a political gathering, or some other activity, which permit requirement did you not expect? What...