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  1. E

    Backlog of Honolulu Building Permits Taking Toll on Revenues

    Unfortunately this is not new news.....Hawaii government departments as a whole have BIG issues with inefficiency. Oahu is actually better than some of the others. The implementation of the EPIC fail system, as I call it, for permitting did not help. I can say this because it took over 2 years...
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    Do permits enhance a property's value?

    Building permits absolutely have value. Most banks won't finance a property with unpermitted work. For instance replacement windows & doors, new roof or new electrical & plumbing, all those things typically require permits because there are building codes to adhere to. A permit assures the...
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    Some HOAs have the power to override a permit

    the whole HOA thing is exactly why we sold and moved to a traditional neighborhood. We wanted a larger lot and the ability to paint our house whatever we wanted to. The other issue being HOA's have very little oversight, so there are also issues with funds when it comes time to make repairs...
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    GOP-appointed Nashville Airport Authority believes they have a say in Metro building permits

    This is a very typical thing in Myrtle Beach SC. Anything within a certain distance from the airport had height restrictions and that was tied to FAA rules. The airport authority was involved with any development near the airport
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    Some HOAs have the power to override a permit

    Unfortunately this is not new news when it comes to HOA's. HOA's have their own aesthetic guidelines and usually require an approval for anything on the exterior. In the municipality where I used to work, the city required the HOA approval letter as part of the project submittal. The city...