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  1. W3 Planning and Research

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    It is a great project, and imitation is the best flattery. So far, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tucson, Vancouver, and dozens of other jurisdictions have taken the concept forward. Nice to be on the forefront of innovation!
  2. W3 Planning and Research

    Documentation for Sunroom Project

    Good Morning. What is the scope of the sunroom project? It is an existing porch they are enclosing? Or are they building in an entirely new room? That is going to make a big difference. Typically, the full enclosure of an existing patio into a sub room requires permits. You have to be...
  3. W3 Planning and Research

    Building on Formerly Uninhabited Land

    Dangers, people at the top of the list, dangerous buildings, man traps, spike strips in the roads, pipe bombs, trip wires, meth labs, gun fire, wild animals (pigs and mountain lions), wildfires, floods. I’ve seen it all!
  4. W3 Planning and Research

    Do you seal your building permits?

    We never did, but I always encouraged the contractors to do so as well as having a truly sealed tube for the onsite plans.
  5. W3 Planning and Research

    Building on Formerly Uninhabited Land

    It definetely does. a small gas tank, isn't a huge deal, especially if they aren't leaking. One hundred buried 55 gallon drums of toxic waste, would be another story. Thankfully, I haven't run across that one yet!
  6. W3 Planning and Research

    Building on Formerly Uninhabited Land

    So environmental laws are different across the country. I can speak for Washington and almost all development must have an extensive environmental review, but they are looking more at the biology aspect of the environment (flora / fauna). Permit's can't be issued until that review is done...
  7. W3 Planning and Research

    Should pre-submittal meetings be required for all major building permits?

    Yes, I have always done a post legislative approval meeting on big projects to lay out the permitting requirements, and I also do a pre-construction meeting to set expectations, understand the needs and make sure that all of the teams understand the project. Lots of communication is the...
  8. W3 Planning and Research

    Would supplemental permits be necessary for ADUs in the future?

    Yes, permits for habitable dwellings are required as part of the building codes. No ADU is going to be exempt from healthy and safety requirements. The codes are very straight forward and deviating from them truly create dangerous structures. Remember, building codes are the "low bar" for...
  9. W3 Planning and Research

    What's more important for a permit office to have: timely permitting or effective enforcement?

    I have walked away from 2 organizations now where the corruption was rampamy. I have fired a building official, building inspector and code enforcement officer for doing work on their homes without permits, contracting on duty, and stealing. Ths industry needs more people willing to stand up...
  10. W3 Planning and Research

    Nuclear Powered Data Centers? They are coming!

    It is actually moving much faster than it was before. These are much easier to spin up than a full reactor. Microsoft spinning up Three Mile Island was a true surprise this last week, but one of these micro reactors was already approved in Wyoming.
  11. W3 Planning and Research

    Building Department called a meeting

    Most likely just clarifications. If there was a fatal flaw in the plans, they would have jsut denied the permit. Sounds like they are trying to work with you, but need a bit more information.
  12. W3 Planning and Research

    A Money Grab?

    It may feel that way, but I can assure you, 99% of the building departments out there actualy lose money. The cost of the permits are to offset the costs of review and inspection which are required because of the adopted building codes. The adopted building codes are necessary because of...
  13. W3 Planning and Research

    Hi All!!!

    Welcome Maria! Also Arizona based here in the land planning and permitting world.
  14. W3 Planning and Research

    Nuclear Powered Data Centers? They are coming!

    New emergning tech in nano and micro nuclear power is emerging as the likely source for power for large data centers all over the world. Please read my article below. Would love your thoughts on this emerging tech!
  15. W3 Planning and Research

    What's more important for a permit office to have: timely permitting or effective enforcement?

    I completely agree. I was in one jurisdiction where I was ordered repeatedly to approve permits (I refused) because they were not legally defensible. I knew that every permit we were issuing was being watched by special interest groups primed for litigation against any misstep we made. I am...
  16. W3 Planning and Research

    What's more important for a permit office to have: timely permitting or effective enforcement?

    One problem that I see in the industry quite a bit, and I was highly critical of, is that the industry feels the plan reviewers are their quality control. So what I saw was that they would turn in inferior work, expecting us to find their problems. This cost them time, which we of course were...
  17. W3 Planning and Research

    What's more important for a permit office to have: timely permitting or effective enforcement?

    I think it is a mixed answer. From a permitting point of view, timely and accurate is the most important. It is always my goal to get permits out the door as quickly as possible while still making sure that they meet all required codes. Enforcement of violations in the field needs to be done...
  18. W3 Planning and Research

    Rules for Owning Gila Monsters in Arizona

    Wow, given how the venom from a Gila Monster works, and the bigger cause of problems, infection, that had to be a very painful way to go. Best to leave these very interesting creatures in their natural environment. As an Arizona native, I have only had the pleasure of seeing Gila Monster's in...
  19. W3 Planning and Research

    HUD’s Landmark Updates to Manufactured Home Standards

    Yes and no. The HUD codes are standalone and are recognized in all 50 states I believe. They are completely seperate from the ICC codes. HUD Codes came into effect in 1976 and created the definition of a "Manufactured Home" at that time, and homes built under similar models (but not the same...
  20. W3 Planning and Research

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    Thank you! I am the one who created this program. Would love to chat about it! Send me a DM.