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  1. Nomad

    The Challenges of Transitioning to Electronic Permitting

    Yes, you cannot please everyone and electronic permit process and manual permitting process both have challenges. But ultimately, switching fully to electronic permit will be better compared to manual process as people could do it form the comfort of their own home and track their applications...
  2. Nomad

    Renter suspects lack of permits at poorly maintained Pinellas County apartment

    Thanks for sharing your experience in LA, and I hope renters in Florida also have similar kind of safety nets. I believe checking out with Pinellas County Code Enforcement can helpful. I think the best way to tackle a situation like this would be to seek legal aid from local organizations like...
  3. Nomad

    Benefits of an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit in Tennessee

    If you are a gun owner and based in Tennessee, I found an interesting question on Reddit that might be of concern to you. The Reddit poster is thinking about taking a class to get an enhanced handgun carry permit in Tennessee. Even though permits for concealed carry are not needed in Tennessee...
  4. Nomad

    Renter suspects lack of permits at poorly maintained Pinellas County apartment

    I came across a distressing Reddit post by a woman who identifies herself as disabled and who is facing terrible living conditions in a Pinellas County rental. She sounds like she's experiencing real emotional hardship due to the situation (e.g., there's damage that never gets fixed along with a...
  5. Nomad

    Tulsa Fire Marshal's Office Seeks Help to Tackle Backlog

    The Tulsa fire marshal's office is struggling with a heavy workload. They have just two assistant fire marshals, yet they are handling 547 fire suppression system approval requests, and this could rise upto 852 when revisions are requested. Due to the large number of requests, it is causing...
  6. Nomad

    LA County's New Home Cooking Program

    Are you a cook, do you want to start a cloud kitchen business? There is a good news for home cooks based in LA County. Starting in November 2024, you will be allowed to sell home cooked foods under Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) program. This program aims to bring new...
  7. Nomad

    Grabbing a permit..

    There are a lot of factors involved in determining the time frame for permit approval. Some of the major factors include, your jurisdictions., type of permits you want to get, the queue in the permit office, etc. It could take few days to few weeks. Complex projects might take a couple of months...
  8. Nomad

    You Don't need a permit to buy land

    As far as I know, you do not need a permit to buy land in any jurisdictions, all you need to do is sign a purchase agreement and pay ownership transfer fees. However, if you want to build something on the land you purchased, even a simple thing like fence, you need permits.
  9. Nomad

    Which country has the most job opportunities for foreigners?

    The United States is the most attractive destinations for job opportunities for people around the world because of its strong economy and numerous industries such as technology, healthcare, finance, and education. It is the big job market for skilled workers from around the globe. The US even...
  10. Nomad

    Homeowner is having trouble landing permit to install a French door

    I think this guy should request a meeting with a senior official at the Building Department to discuss the ongoing issues. During the meeting, he should bring up all documents, including plans and correspondence, so that it is easier to clarify the requirements. If that fails, he can also...
  11. Nomad

    Scaffolding Right of Way Permits

    I am not an expert in this matter but based on my understanding you can do some of these things: Check if pedestrian traffic plans are actually needed. When you apply for permits, include site plans showing scaffolding placement, safety measures, and duration. Check compliance with local safety...
  12. Nomad

    EPA Instructs Illinois EPA to Improve Environmental Permit Process

    It is mainly related to NAAQS issue. According to the new rules, local governments or state governments cannot give permits without considering community's concern. They also need to check the track record of the company trying to get a permit.
  13. Nomad

    The Challenges of Transitioning to Electronic Permitting

    There are numerous issues of electronic permit systems. Technical difficulties might be the most common thing but there are also issues such as cybersecurity risks and user accessibility challenges. It is very important to develop a reliable and secured system as well as user-friendly interfaces...
  14. Nomad

    Backyard fence permitting - is it needed for easy work?

    Getting permit can be very tricky but this is something you should newer avoid. You should check with the officials to make sure whether the construction requires permit or not. If you start working without a permit, just to save time and money, you might end up spending more time and more...
  15. Nomad

    When are fire permits electrical?

    A wireless fire alarm communicator is part of the fire alarm system, right? Even though it has electrical components, it is basically a fire protection system. Therefore, you need a fire protection permit rather than an electrical permit. This is what I believe but you still need to verify with...
  16. Nomad

    New bill allowing for trapping, neutering & releasing feral cats in South Dakota

    While some animal rights activities say that neutering or spaying pets is cruelty against animals, I think it is better to control population through this method instead of overpopulating the animal centers and letting them put down these animals to rest for ever. When it comes to pets, a lot of...
  17. Nomad

    City Council Urges Stricter Enforcement of L.A.’s Tree Laws

    This highlights the need for checking with the authorities and learning about the proper rules. You should always get the information from the authorized channel. While a lot of people take advice form neighbors, friends, family or someone they know, you should never trust the judgement of other...
  18. Nomad

    New bill allowing for trapping, neutering & releasing feral cats in South Dakota

    Neutering animals to control over population is better than killing animals for over population. I think this is a really good move in South Dakota. I think this rule should also be applied on other animals as well but sadly they are giving hunting permits in the name of controlling over population.
  19. Nomad

    City of Long Beach to give away free vending carts to help push vendors to comply with regulations

    If you reward people who follow the rules and regulations, it will encourage other people to follow the rules. If you punish people for not following rules, it will discourage people who are not following rules. Therefore, reward and punishment work. It is very encouraging to know that they are...
  20. Nomad

    Confined space entry permit needed?

    Whether you need to apply for a confined space entry or not depends on whether the space meets the criteria for a permit-required confined space as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Even though the silo is empty, it can still be classified as a confined space. You...