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  1. Nomad

    New Rules Create Big Challenges for Clark County Street Vendors

    If you want the businesses to follow the rules, you also need to create rules and regulations that are easier to follow. Tougher the rules, it is more likely that the business will avoid the rules. When the business avoid the rules, it is also likely that health and safety will be at stake...
  2. Nomad

    Douglas County Health Department starts closing businesses for overdue food permits

    Food is directly connected with public health, therefore, the businesses needs to follow the local health and safety regulations. Renewing permits means businesses are following health and hygiene concerns related to selling foot items. I am glad that the Douglas county is taking this seriously...
  3. Nomad

    Mississippi anglers might need a Recreational Offshore Landing Permit

    In some places they offer discounted price for permit for certain age group (kids or senior citizen) and certain communities or groups (disable people, for instance). In fact these is very common practice where I live. However, I am not sure why they are not charging permit fees for "casual...
  4. Nomad

    Live in PA? Host your next gathering at the park

    I am also in favor of using parks for hosting recreational events instead of community centers. That's because parks have larger space and also cost cheaper. I also like the open air space in the park. You also do not have a time card, you can use as long as you want. The only issues you might...
  5. Nomad

    San Diego Is Cracking Down on Groups Exercising Outside Without a Permit

    Even though getting permits for simple things like working out in public land during the public holiday sound too silly, however, I believe people should not shy away in getting required permits. While getting permits can be a hassle but once you get the permit, you can use it without any kind...
  6. Nomad

    The Permit Predicament of Building a Backyard Pergola

    Yes, the poster does not give much information. However, I believe he misses the vital point that is the need for permits depend on a lot of things from the size and permanence of the structure to the local zoning laws and HOA’s specific rules and regulations.
  7. Nomad

    The Challenges of Transitioning to Electronic Permitting

    Maybe they lack the manpower to handle the digital permit system, maybe they do not have the right skills to use the digital permit system. Or maybe they are just used to manual system and they are not accustomed to the digital system yet. There could be a lot of reasons. Transitioning can also...
  8. Nomad

    Permit details for Mainers flocking to Gloucester for short but sweet scallop season

    So, you have to pay $100,000 to get the permit, right? Is the permit for individuals, groups, or businesses? Is the maximum limit of 454,152 pounds for one permit? How many permits do that give per season? Is it really easy to reach the daily limit and also maximum quota?
  9. Nomad

    Supreme Court again refuses to intervene in drag show controversy

    I believe the rights of sexual minorities should be protected, however, I am against the events like the drag show. Why should everyone who are not from that communities be dragged into this thing. These drag shows are mostly sexual in nature and have nothing to do with the rights of minorities...
  10. Nomad

    Late to the Half Dome Lottery? Here’s How to Get Your Passes

    Recently, while browsing Reddit, I came across an interesting discussion. The question is related to getting passes to climb Half Dome in Yosemite, after missing the lottery for the pass. The Reddit poster wants to know how can they request passes, possibly 6 passes, two days before the desired...
  11. Nomad

    Electrical Issues and Permit Questions: Seeking Advice for NYC Homeowners

    I found an interesting question on Reddit that I believe would also be an interesting topic for discussion here. A homeowner in NYC is having trouble with their electricity, so they called a top-rated electrician from Angie's List. The electrician said that the problem was with the old 90-amp...
  12. Nomad

    The Permit Predicament of Building a Backyard Pergola

    Recently, I came across an intriguing question on Reddit. A first-time homeowner shared their experience of building a pergola in their backyard. This guy was fined for not having a permit. What seem to be interesting here is the neighbor, who helped this person build pergolas did not actually...
  13. Nomad

    Get online updates on your work and travel permits

    This is certainly helpful for people who want to travel to the US for various reasons. However, I am not sure if the people who might need information and also services related to traveling to the US will actually be able to get this information. I mean how would people know there is a service...
  14. Nomad

    Do permits enhance a property's value?

    Just because you have acquired all types of permits to build the property does not necessarily mean you get a better price for your property, however, it is true that if you have permits, you can easily sell the property. If you try to sell the property that does not have required permits, you...
  15. Nomad

    New Program Boosts Government Transparency in North Dakota

    The Documenters Network has partnered with Buffalo’s Fire and the Indigenous Media Freedom Alliance to launch a program in North Dakota. The program aims to enhance local government transparency. They are paying community members to attend the program and summarize local government meetings...
  16. Nomad

    New Rules Create Big Challenges for Clark County Street Vendors

    Clark County, a county in Nevada has set very high permit fees for street vendors. Now, the fees for permits cost around $1200, which includes state and county business licenses and health district permits. For vendors who makes just about $140 a day, paying that kind of fees is very difficult...
  17. Nomad

    Is it legal to own a skunk as a pet in Iowa?

    I have never been a fan of exotic pets, I am not in favor of wild animals as pets, maybe I am old school guy. I believe if you are raising animals like skunk as pets, you need to know their behavior as well, you also need to become aware about the diseases that you might get while coming into...
  18. Nomad

    Nevada to do their first ever big-game moose hunt.

    I don't live in Nevada so this piece of information has no affect in me but I am against killing animals for fun. I see hunting as a cruel sport and I believe hunting should be stopped in any case. If the population of a certain animal is increasing, we need to introduce predator instead of...
  19. Nomad

    Is it legal to own a skunk as a pet in Iowa?

    I would never own a skunk as a pet but if you are in Iowa, you can have skunk as pets and you do not need a permit. Actually, Iowa is one of the three states where you can own skunk as a pet. In some states, you can own skunk but you need to get permits, and there will also be home inspection.
  20. Nomad

    Are you required to get a permit for a bake sale / lemonade stand?

    Whether a permit is required for a bake sale or lemonade stand varies by location. Generally speaking, small, occasional events run by children or non-profit organizations might not require permits. However, in some places because of health and safety regulations, you need permits even for...