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  1. Nomad

    Should I obtain permit to cut down Callery Pear Trees?

    As far as I know don't need a permit to cut down Callery pear trees on your own property in Pennsylvania. That's because Callery pear trees are classified as a noxious weed in Pennsylvania since November 2021, which means they are invasive. Actually, there's a ban on distributing or cultivating...
  2. Nomad

    How much does your work permit pay?

    Salaries differ globally due to varying factors like cost of living, economic development, industry demand, labor laws, and exchange rates. While a US work permit holder might earn $50k annually, similar jobs in other countries could pay more or less. Higher costs of living often correlate with...
  3. Nomad

    Which country immigration is toughest?

    Yes, you're correct, some countries have strict requirements for obtaining citizenship, where as in some cases, religion can be a factor. Japan has historically been known for its strict citizenship requirements. Countries like Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia are known for their sponsorship...
  4. Nomad

    If self driving cars become a reality, will we be required to have a permit for one?

    The regulation of self-driving cars is indeed a complex issue. As of now, there are no permits being given for individual ownership or operation of fully autonomous vehicles on public roads anywhere in the world. However, as these technologies evolve, governments around the world will certainly...
  5. Nomad

    Which city is best to earn money in USA?

    Cities like San Francisco, New York City, Seattle, Washington D.C., and Boston are some of the cities in the US where you can find high-paying job opportunities. That's because these cities have thriving industries in technology, finance, healthcare, and professional services, thus, offering...
  6. Nomad

    Political issues that affect permitting this election cycle?

    New regulations in the US should cover areas like environmental protection, consumer rights, financial oversight, healthcare access, labor rights, technology use, especially with AI, gun safety, criminal justice fairness, immigration policies, and education quality. These issues affect every day...
  7. Nomad

    Hello! Mike30 here :)

    Hi Mike, I did not realize you were also here. Wouldn't it be a great to add Microlikes to this community as well?
  8. Nomad

    Hello I am new here

    Hi, @freelancermaria good to see you here. Cheers
  9. Nomad

    Signatures and Username Badges

    This is certainly a great feature. I just added my signature.
  10. Nomad

    Posting anonymously on Permitting Talk

    A lot of us are using screen name which is very different from our real name, so I guess we are already anonymous in some sense. But I do understand why some people do not even want to use an identifiable screen name while sharing online. It is a good feature, that's for sure.
  11. Nomad

    What is the cheapest work visa?

    When considering work visas, cost is crucial! While it's hard to say which country offer cheapest visa, here are some comparisons: Estonia is known for reasonable fees, another great option is Thailand where work permit fees are lower than in wealthier nations. However, you also look at the...
  12. Nomad

    Can someone get a USA work visa without sponsorship?

    In the United States, acquiring a work visa requires employer sponsorship, however, there are exceptions on certain cases. The EB-1 Extraordinary Ability Visa is one such exception. This visa is available to individuals with exceptional skills in fields like sciences, arts, education, business...
  13. Nomad

    Where is it easiest to get work permit?

    There are many countries known for making it relatively easy to get work permits, especially for skilled professionals. Popular options include Germany, Netherlands, and Czech Republic in Europe, Singapore and South Korea in Asia, as well as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Each country...
  14. Nomad

    Do I need to get a permit to keep dog in my business premises?

    Whether you need permit for a dog in your business depends on factors like your business type and local rules. Pet-related businesses usually need permits, where as service animals like guide dogs don't. Emotional support animals might require permits based on state laws.
  15. Nomad

    Permits required to display a business billboard beside your business place in Cleveland, Ohio.

    Cleveland's zoning code regulates signs, so you must check with the City's Department of Building and Housing Inspection to see if your location allows your sign. If your billboard uses electricity, you'll need an electrical permit too. Some of the considerations for permit include size...
  16. Nomad

    Generally, when do you need such a permit?

    Well, you need an environmental permit when the project you are launching could impact the environment. This includes projects involving air or water pollution, waste management, land development, or natural resource extraction. You need permits to ensure compliance with regulations, mitigate...
  17. Nomad

    Who can help?

    Environmental consultants, lawyers specialized in environmental laws, and regulatory affairs specialists are the people you need to consult for understanding environmental permits. They will help you understand regulations, interpret legal language, and build strategy to get permits.
  18. Nomad

    Do you need a permit to use water for other needs in California during a drought?

    How much water you can use depends on your permit type. You are also strictly restricted to use the water for the purpose you got the permit for. California droughts may also restrict new water permits. Water usage depends on existing permits, however, but during shortages, even those with...
  19. Nomad

    Nebraska Legislature Passes Concealed Carry Bill Without Permit Requirement

    Nebraska's Legislature has approved Legislative Bill 77. This bill allows people over 21 years of age to carry guns without needing a permit. This bill comes as a blog to the local laws where individuals are restricted from carrying concealed weapons. The bill has caused a lot of arguments and...
  20. Nomad

    Changes Coming to Animal Breeding Rules in Los Angeles

    Here are some latest updates. The Los Angeles City Council has decided to stop giving permits for dog breeding for a while. This is because there are too many dogs in the city's animal shelters. The council wants to wait until the shelters have fewer dogs. Why are they doing this? Well, the...