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  1. aquafire

    Filmmakers claim park permitting system is unconstitutional

    There must be more to it than what the article states. Otherwise, I don't see how the case won't get kicked out since the filmmakers didn't suffer any physical, mental, or financial harm. I think the permitting system is cumbersome, but I understand why the permits were denied in this case.
  2. aquafire

    Permit for Temporary Event

    The Parks & Recreation department issues many temporary permits on the same day that they are requested. These are typically permits with a limited timeframe and a natural end. These include camping permits, special event permits, and the like.
  3. aquafire

    An interesting look at planning committees

    Years ago, I had to submit a request for a building exemption. I wasn't the only applicant that day; and, I was surprised at how heated the discussion got during the planning meeting for a couple of other residents. It looked like their whole neighborhood turned out to oppose their projects...
  4. aquafire

    Newly Incorporated Towns

    It happened pretty quickly for us. It's part of establishing local regulations that are customized for the area's specific condition and needs. I'd say everything was in place within the same year. Some buildings had to be grandfathered in. Of course, the codes have changed over the years...
  5. aquafire

    Solar Refund

    I'm not a professional like most of you guys, but I know that you only get a partial refund in my city if absolutely no work has been performed at all and if the request is within a few days of issuance. @Ir3th0283, I think the person has a lot of nerve requesting a refund more than six months...
  6. aquafire

    Sister Wives stars and their farm permit saga

    By the time they deal with zoning and planning, file for their business licenses, file their taxation documents, deal with inspections, and obtain all the proper permits, I bet they'll be at least another year out. It's a very slow process to get a business of that magnitude off the ground.
  7. aquafire

    Streamlining permit for desalination plants

    I've read about this in the newspaper. It's supposedly meant to increase California's water supply and will mostly deal with coastal cities. Do you think it will work?
  8. aquafire

    Integration of the Sackett Decision in All States

    I'm not a professional, but my understanding was that it was up to the states, rather than the agency or federal government, to decide. I guess that means waiting for your state legislatures to make a law, or for someone to challenge a case and have it work its way through the courts up to the...
  9. aquafire

    Gifts to permitting staff

    You can't accept monetary gifts? I had no idea. I've given the office staff gift cards to restaurants before. My permits had long been filed and accepted at that point. I hope I didn't cause them trouble. I just assumed it was okay because it wasn't an outrageous amount. I'll ask about...
  10. aquafire

    Arizona's Permits in Process interactive map

    This is a clever idea that I can get behind. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality released an interactive map that allows the public to see which permits are in play within the state. The map spells out who obtained the permit, what it's for, and which environmental projects will...
  11. aquafire

    Do I need a permit to destroy invasive plants?

    Have you tried checking with the property assessors office to determine ownership? You would technically need permission to enter the property; however, most folks would probably go ahead and destroy the kudzu without it, if it's a hazard. Where you might have an issue is your means of removal...
  12. aquafire

    Tricky situation with permit

    I probably have an unpopular opinion, but in your shoes, I'd let it go and continue with the project. It will likely only become an issue when you want to sell up. At that point, you could apply for a retroactive permit.
  13. aquafire

    Avoid permit requirements by selling 'as is'?

    I've been reading on here about homeowners who have been fined for selling their home without obtaining the proper permits for its construction in the first place. It must be incredibly frustrating to deal with those issues. So, I'm now wondering whether a workaround could be selling the home...
  14. aquafire

    Where is it easiest to get work permit?

    It largely depends on your particular field, because some countries are recruiting for one thing, while others might be seeking a different type of talent. If you're in the computer science industry, you might apply for a work permit in Portugal. My neighbor's son is heading there next week to...
  15. aquafire

    Which country has the most job opportunities for foreigners?

    There are so many companies hiring people for remote work, that I bet you could find a job no matter where you land. So, it might be more useful to focus on the cost of living in each particular country of interest, rather than job opportunities.
  16. aquafire

    You Don't need a permit to buy land

    In a roundabout way, maybe. I think some people try to obtain a septic tank permit before buying the land, because if they can't use the local sewer system, and they can't install a septic tank, then building on that property typically becomes a nonstarter. Does that count?
  17. aquafire

    Should you pull permits even though they're not needed?

    Why put yourself through the time and expense of reaching for a permit that's unnecessary? It's a frustrating process at best, and I can't imagine volunteering for it. It's a shame that the neighbor decided to be nosy, but I wouldn't let that change how I ran my jobs.
  18. aquafire

    When a contractor quits mid-project

    When the contractor quits before the project is finished, does the building permit still remain active, or does the homeowner have to apply for another permit? My gazebo project has turned into a nightmare. I can't blame the contractor for taking a more lucrative job, but it sure has put us in...
  19. aquafire

    What is the cheapest work visa?

    Aren't the costs usually covered by the employer rather than the worker? I believe it's usually fully sponsored. If so, I wouldn't worry about the costs associated with it. If you're skilled enough in a desirable field, your talent will be worth the visa fees.
  20. aquafire

    Can someone get a USA work visa without sponsorship?

    Yes, but I believe it's incredibly rare to get approval. You'd need to apply for an EB-1A visa, also called the Extraordinary Ability visa. In order to secure such a visa, you must have an incredible ability in sports, science, business, or something that's similarly sought after.