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  1. Saxton

    New Program Boosts Government Transparency in North Dakota

    Now that's what I call win-win. I'm sure the participants will enjoy getting paid, while having a chance to sharpen their writing skills and learning more about their local government. Plus, it creates a good-will vibe within the community between its citizens and officials.
  2. Saxton

    Scaffolding Right of Way Permits

    Your job sounds interesting, chasnr. It's nice to have an expert join us. Wouldn't your scaffolding fall under a temporary use permit? I don't believe that scaffolding is meant to stay up, so I think it qualifies. You can find the Temporary Use of Right of Way Permit Application right here.
  3. Saxton

    Who to follow?

    I'm no expert, but my understanding is that all permit building codes follow state law. Other municipalities are allowed to make things more stringent, but they can't ignore the basic rules as set out by the state. So by following your cities permitting rules, you're also following state law.
  4. Saxton

    The Permit Predicament of Building a Backyard Pergola

    Is this a permanent structure or is it portable? I also wonder whether it's detached. The Reddit poster might have a workaround depending on where he or she resides. I've read the thread, but I don't believe the poster has disclosed that information. Really, though, the homeowner's best bet...
  5. Saxton

    The Challenges of Transitioning to Electronic Permitting

    Have you found those clients eager to learn the system, or are they content to let you guys handle the digital side of things? I think it's interesting that you guys still find it easier to use digital filing, despite having some clients who lack computer skills. I think I would as well.
  6. Saxton

    Political issues that affect permitting this election cycle?

    After the pollution and water quality laws were relaxed locally, those of us who rely on well water paid the price. All sorts of cancer causing chemicals have leached into our groundwater. So, even though the lack of regulation means it's easier to get your permit approved, I can't say that's...
  7. Saxton

    Signatures and Username Badges

    What a good idea, as it will allow the pros to stand out, while also highlighting their industry knowledge and capabilities. You've put together a great community here, Eric.
  8. Saxton

    Grabbing a permit..

    Absolutely! I'd also say that it depends on the time of year as well. Keep in mind that many employees take vacation during the summer and around the holidays, so applications might be delayed during those times. My advice is to apply for a permit as soon as you know you're going to need one...
  9. Saxton

    Should I obtain permit to cut down Callery Pear Trees?

    I've spent the last two hours reading over that Reddit community, so thanks for introducing me to another intriguing Reddit community. I'd say that some of the Redditors are giving the poster bad advice. Yes, a few years ago u/kylenmckinney could probably enter a public space, take care of the...
  10. Saxton

    Permits for raffles?

    I have some family in Sunbright, Tennessee. Sadly, a devastating tornado tore through the city earlier this month. Unfortunately, neither the state nor the federal government offered assistance, because the city doesn't meet the threshold for financial damage. It really is a tiny dot on the...
  11. Saxton

    Attempts to regulate street vending in Orange County

    I'm baffled at how little some of them make. It sounds like a tough job, to get out there in all sorts of weather and hawk your food. They're clearly hard workers with an entrepreneurial spirit. You'd think the county would bend over backwards to help them obtain the proper permits.
  12. Saxton

    Permit rules around selling eggs

    It sounds awfully complicated in some states. I guess they're worried about spreading salmonella or diseases between flocks. Luckily, in Minnesota, it's relatively easy to sell your eggs on a casual basis directly to the consumer. There's no need for a food handler's license, and there's no...
  13. Saxton

    Permits and regulations for gardens and greenhouses?

    You might need a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit, but that's only if you'll be dumping pollutants down a storm drain that leads to the local water supply. Some fertilizers and pesticides might count as pollutants. I'm not sure about the rest; however, one great resource to check...
  14. Saxton

    Are permits for commercial development more difficult than for residential development?

    In my experience, they're much more costly to obtain and there's more red tape to deal with, particularly if there's an objection from potential neighbors.
  15. Saxton

    Douglas County Health Department starts closing businesses for overdue food permits

    Can you imagine the lawsuits that the county might face if a customer got sick after eating at one of those establishments? I'm shocked that the county waited so long to enforce their own regulations. We're several months into 2024, after all.
  16. Saxton

    Is a permit required to drive around a float in a parade?

    Not in my city. The parade organizers are the ones who apply for a parade permit, which allows them to use police escorts and to shut down main street, so that the parade can go through its travel path. The individuals who enter the parade don't need a permit, though.
  17. Saxton

    What next after permit denial?

    I'd say that it largely depends on why the permit was denied. It could be as simple as some oversight while filling out the paperwork, in which case you'd make the corrections and resubmit. Or you might need to rethink your whole project. For instance, maybe you were hoping to drill somewhere...
  18. Saxton

    People want services, but not in their backyard

    I can't say that I blame them. Those rigs send smelly fumes into the air, and they're much louder than you'd probably think. If the company wants to expand its permit, let the company pay the people who will be the most affected by the expansion. Then it's a win-win situation.
  19. Saxton

    Supreme Court Decision on Gun Range Ordinance

    Some of these rules are a result of people failing to use their common sense. Naturally, your neighbors don't want a loud gun range to pop up next door. The enjoyment of your Second Amendment rights is limiting your neighbor's right to the quiet enjoyment of their property.
  20. Saxton

    Permit fees increasing

    Our permit fees increase every 5 years or so, mostly to keep up with inflation. The money gets used for the standard stuff that you'd expect, but it also funds our public parks. Property taxes, on the other hand, seem to increase whenever the assessor feels like it.