Search results

  1. mantis

    What are L Visas?

    Aren't those visas pretty difficult to get? I've seen the paperwork and it looks fairly intense. I wonder which careers are the most likely to be accepted. I imagine that those in the tech field or scientific field stand the best chance of having their application granted, but I've never seen...
  2. mantis

    Permits for raffles?

    From what I've read, you won't be able to hold your own raffle, but you could donate the items to a charitable organization to raffle off for the tornado victims. You'll need to go through a qualified 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) organization that has registered with the Division of Charitable...
  3. mantis

    Going to Europe next year?

    Yeah, I've heard a bit about this new requirement on the news, and it appears that our reaction to the recent pandemic seems to have played a big part in this. Some states took the pandemic seriously, while others did not. I don't blame the countries who are trying to keep their citizens safe...
  4. mantis

    Would a permit be required to build a playhouse out of a shed?

    That sounds like a fun project to put together. You should be okay without a permit, unless you're planning to jazz it up with electrical work. In that case, you'd need to apply for an electrical permit. I hope your niece enjoys her playhouse for many years to come!
  5. mantis

    Permits and regulations for gardens and greenhouses?

    I've never been to California, but I've heard that the weather is amazing. I don't blame you for wanting to make the most of it. You're correct about the shed, so long as it's less than 120 square feet and doesn't require electrical work or plumbing. I think a greenhouse might be different if...
  6. mantis

    New platform to streamline permitting process for contractors

    I appreciate any change that makes the permitting process easier. I'm sure the contractors are looking forward to a more simplified process. I just hope there's still enough staff around to answer questions.
  7. mantis

    New law passed Allowing 14 and 15-Year-Olds to Work Without Permits

    This is awful. I believe it's a tool to pushback on workers' rights. The threat will be that if you aren't willing to do the job, they'll simply hire a teenager instead. I've noticed that several changes have been proposed to various state labor laws lately. None of the changes are meant to...
  8. mantis

    Legality of owning a wolf-dog in Arkansas

    I wouldn't purposefully adopt such a dog, but how rough would it be to not know that your dog fell into this classification? Maybe it's really obvious.
  9. mantis

    Permits for Sunday hunting? It could happen.

    I don't blame the non-hunters for being upset about the proposed change. It will be more difficult for families to go hiking, and it will mean that children can't explore the woods safely. What's so wrong with holding one day apart, where hunting isn't allowed?
  10. mantis

    Illegal Street Takeovers a problem in Indianapolis

    Indianapolis is a major hub of activity, so you'd think those people would find something better to do with their time. Considering the amount of traffic that their roads see each day, it's easy to imagine how disruptive the behavior is to other drivers.
  11. mantis

    Resources for small businesses?

    Good idea, Strictly. You can find a lot of great information through OSHA's own website for details about hot work permits, confined space permits, hazardous waste permits, and more. I'll start us off with this great check sheet that they offer.
  12. mantis

    What to do when a non-permitted vehicle is parked near your apartment/property?

    I'd probably take it up with the landlord, or the building manager, if there is one on site. They'd probably be able to respond to the situation more quickly than the city ever could.
  13. mantis

    Generally, when do you need such a permit?

    To add to Eric's point, you might also need an environmental permit if you're building a home near a protected habitat or species. They can be pretty tricky to get, too.
  14. mantis

    Virginia rolls out website to showcase transparency in permit process

    It sounds like it will be beneficial to the public, but I bet some e businesses will receive pushback for the permits they've sought. What might've flown under the radar before it became easily obtainable, will now face more scrutiny. Activists will have a field day.
  15. mantis

    Strategies for Designing with Diligence

    This might sound silly, but I've gleaned a wealth of information just by asking questions on social media. It's a decent strategy if the community has an active Facebook page or Twitter account. People can be incredibly helpful when given a chance.
  16. mantis

    Oversize trip versus annual permit

    Tiny homes are all the rage today. They're thought to be more environmentally friendly and more affordable. There's a lot to consider, though, beyond whether you can make the space work for your lifestyle. For instance, most states have determined that tiny homes are oversized loads that...
  17. mantis

    Landowners exemptions for hunting and fishing

    I'm surprised to hear of such an exemption. It seems like it would be difficult to track exactly where the game was captured. I suppose it makes sense, though. If you have an apple tree on your property, the apples belong to you, so I can see why the wild game would too. Thanks for teaching...
  18. mantis

    Republicans Trying to Simplify Clean Water Permits for Efficiency and Clarity

    To me, it sounds less like they're trying to simplify the process and more like they're trying to cut regulations that protect the environment. I understand that the permitting process is lengthy in some cases, but I'm not sure whether that's such a bad thing.
  19. mantis

    New regulations set for flying near national monuments in the US

    I've visited a few over the years, and I only remember seeing one helicopter tour company. I'm surprised that drones haven't become a bigger threat than those vehicles carrying passengers near the monuments. I could see tourists using a drone to get the perfect snap.
  20. mantis

    More cities should take a page from Vegas

    The city of Las Vegas has an amnesty program for homeowners that is pretty incredible. It allows owners to report any non-permitted or non-compliant work done within their home, and they can do so without the threat of fines. The homeowners are then able to get everything up to code and to...