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  1. Fenix

    Civil Rights And The Homeless

    I think it's disingenuous to pretend there are hordes of people who simply choose to be homeless. Also, we've already tried government run poorhouses/workhouses. The impoverished residents suffered mightily.
  2. Fenix

    Always reach out to 811 before you dig? Really?

    I like your common sense approach to the rule, @Eric. I doubt the utility companies want to come out in every instance that someone adds plants to their yard. Luckily, in my state, the law doesn't apply unless you're digging several feet down. It seems more sensible to me. @Overtime, I'd...
  3. Fenix

    Getting a liquor license

    Is it just me, or is it extremely difficult for a business to obtain a liquor license for on-site consumption? It seems like the smallest thing causes the permit to be denied. What do you think hangs most people up when applying for such a license?
  4. Fenix

    First Building Permit from County Recovery Permit Center Issued to Lahaina Couple

    Good for them! It can't be easy to face such a hardship, so it's fantastic that the process has become more streamlined to allow the community to move forward.
  5. Fenix

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    I'm quite surprised that more people haven't taken advantage of the opportunity, but then again, I guess that's not a bad number for just one county. I hope more municipalities will follow in their footsteps.
  6. Fenix

    Travel with children as NRP

    Can you guys tell me whether I'd need any special permits to travel with my son overseas as the non-resident parent? His mother, my ex, with us going, but I'm concerned about getting stopped at the airport and denied passage.
  7. Fenix

    New law passed Allowing 14 and 15-Year-Olds to Work Without Permits

    On the news, they're always talking about business owners not being able to hire enough staff. Whether that's because the salary is too low, the job itself stinks, or people are just too lazy to work, remains to be seen. I guess hiring young people could be an answer to the staffing problem...
  8. Fenix

    Going to Europe next year?

    What a hassle! I know it's not expensive, but no one needs another document to keep up with. I think a passport should be enough. I wonder if this new requirement will deter tourism?
  9. Fenix

    Permit rules around selling eggs

    I can't say that I've ever been interested in raising chickens, but I looked into it since you asked, and in Pennsylvania you can only sell the eggs from your flock out of your home or within 100-miles of a processing or production facility, whatever those are. If you sell them elsewhere, you...
  10. Fenix

    Who gets held liable?

    Let's be honest, try as we might to understand the permitting requirements surrounding our projects, we often fall short, so we rely on other professionals to sort them out. Now I'm wondering what happens when it all goes wrong. Who takes the liability when the building isn't up to code, the...
  11. Fenix

    linux.poet intro

    Welcome to the forum, Linux. People are pretty friendly and helpful on here, so jump right in. It's nice to have new people add their voice to the conversation.
  12. Fenix

    Is a permit required to drive around a float in a parade?

    I'm no authority on the subject, but I doubt it. If permits were required for each float, then fewer people would participate. That seems to be the opposite of what the city would want to happen, especially since parade watchers might mean an increase in tax revenue.
  13. Fenix

    Florida water tank compliance?

    You're right about one thing, Overtime, the information is hard to find. The best that I could come up with is that some tanks must undergo an inspection by a licensed engineer every 5 years. I believe that's only for potable water, though. This is the only source that I could find.
  14. Fenix

    Permits for Sunday hunting? It could happen.

    All the special Sunday rules have changed in my neck of the woods. Previously, you couldn't buy beer on Sundays, but that's now changed. You also couldn't hunt, but that's changed too. Let's face it, Sundays aren't held in reverence anymore. Boston needs to get with the times.
  15. Fenix

    Illegal Street Takeovers a problem in Indianapolis

    I pictured a wild block party when I first read the thread title. I should've known that it had to do with street racing. Things like that are popular in small towns around here as well. It really is a nuisance. It creates an unsafe atmosphere as they crowd other drivers off the road. I...
  16. Fenix

    Permit fees increasing

    I've never checked to see where the money goes. I probably should. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, because our fees haven't increased since before the coronavirus hit the scene. We pay significant fees to begin with, so I hope it doesn't go up.
  17. Fenix

    Do you look for workers who are safety certified?

    No, but I've noticed that some construction workers, project managers, and developers list certifications as a reason to hire them. I've never given it much weight, though. I mostly hire people that I've worked with before, or those who come recommended by trusted friends and family.
  18. Fenix

    Should you pull a permit for a basement remodel?

    I can see a major problem with obtaining insurance on the home in the future. It's much easier to simply comply with the regulations. Pull the permit and give yourself enough time for it to be approved before starting work.
  19. Fenix

    Permit fees increasing

    I received a notification last week that all building and planning permit fees in the surrounding counties were going up by $2 to $4. The fee increase is meant to assist with code enforcement, hire inspectors, staff the department, and provide ongoing training. I'm not fond of having to pay...
  20. Fenix

    NY State General Permit Now Available to Expedite Recovery Efforts After Major Storm Events

    I'm all for it! New York is one of the states that's been hit the hardest by devastating storms these past few years. I wonder why they excluded Long Island, New York City, and parts of Rockland and Westchester counties, though?