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  1. Fenix

    Why is this a rule?

    That's a good question. I'm not certain, but maybe it's because the inspectors need to know where to go to inspect the building. Or, maybe that's how the city ensures that the new structure will be registered with emergency services.
  2. Fenix

    Confined space entry permit needed?

    Will you guys help me determine whether I need to apply for a confined space entry permit? I'll be making repairs in an empty corn silo. I'm leaning towards no, since it'll be an empty space, but I'm not entirely certain. This work will take place in Georgia.
  3. Fenix

    Seeking Advice on Building in Wetlands in Ocean County, NJ

    Sometimes searching for a nearby property's classification will give you a good idea of what to expect. However, if a deal doesn't feel right, then it's usually best to walk away from it. I'd start asking questions and not let anyone rush me through the buying process. I hope it works out for...
  4. Fenix

    Missing revenue from permitless firearms?

    I know that the safety of permitless carry and the permitless concealed carry of firearms is hotly debated, but has anyone come across information about missed revenue? I wonder how much money it's cost local those local governments to do away with the permitting fees. Do you think it's a...
  5. Fenix

    Arizona push to legalize home-cooked tamale sales is back after veto

    I'm honestly surprised that such a bill made it through the Arizona house and senate. While it's great that these folks will undertake food handler classes, it also seems too minimal. Without inspections, I don't see how the public will be protected. Food contamination can be deadly.
  6. Fenix

    Branson Launches 'Lodging Safety Initiative' for Visitor Well-being

    I'm surprised they didn't already have something like this in place, especially considering how many visitors they have each year. I just hope they've properly funded the initiative to ensure compliance.
  7. Fenix

    You might need a burn permit

    @JoeT, I remember seeing that tragedy on the news. There was so much senseless destruction. Thanks for the prudent reminder that permitting rules are usually in place for a darn good reason, rather than just to make our lives more difficult. I tend to forget that sometimes.
  8. Fenix

    Appeal Filed Against Cannabis Permit Raises Safety Concerns

    The challenge seems politically motivated to me, but they sure paid a lot to file the appeal. Win or lose, the Worden family has sunk $1,803.61 on this thing. I'm shocked that the city essentially relies on neighbors to tattle about code complaints in order to ensure compliance. You'd think...
  9. Fenix

    The many editions of additions

    Did you know that there are many variations of what counts as an addition to a structure? Maybe you're like me, and you thought an addition was simply another room that was added to an already finished building, but that's too simplistic. Some states, like Pennsylvania, count decks as...
  10. Fenix

    Save Money and the Planet: U.S. Forest Service Christmas Tree Permits Unveiled

    What a great idea! The requirements don't seem too cumbersome or expensive, so this could be just the thing to help both families and the forest out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, @Nomad.
  11. Fenix

    Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development

    I bet some of those delays can be chalked up to COVID, so it's taking far longer than usual to get permits approved. My father-in-law had to go through them to get a permit, and they were short-staffed because so many were out sick.
  12. Fenix

    Do you need a permit to use water for other needs in California during a drought?

    I believe it varies depending on the city in California. I know in some areas, they fine households for going over a certain water limit, regardless of what it's used for. In others, you'd be okay as long as you had a permit. Some folks have gotten creative by irrigating their lawns with...
  13. Fenix

    Newnan City Council Grants Variances for Local Pharmacies to Distribute Low-THC Products: Navigating State Regulations and Community Concerns

    Wow, I'm shocked by that outcome, especially regarding the pharmacy that's near a school. I wonder if THC becoming more normalized on had anything to do with it? I thought the South was generally pretty strict, though.
  14. Fenix

    San Diego Introduces Easy Online Tool for Quick Permit Access

    Way to go, San Diego! I wish that more city officials would understand that they'd get more compliance, and would see an increase in revenue, if they'd simplify the permitting process. San Diego has the right idea. Now they just need to make a tool that allows citizens to apply for permits...
  15. Fenix

    Do multi-tiered permits keep roads safer?

    I happen to live in a state that has a multi-tiered driving program based on the teen driver's age, level of education, school attendance, and more. The rules are pretty nuanced and complicated, and it's all done in an effort to make our roads safer. I don't believe the federal government...
  16. Fenix

    Before you scatter those ashes

    Well, I've just now realized that we scattered Moms ashes illegally. I had no idea that it might require a permit. I just checked, and sure enough, my brothers and I should've applied for a permit before spreading her ashes in the local park that she used to frequent. At least I know better now.
  17. Fenix

    Lifetime Fishing Permit

    We have something similar in Maine. I think many states are moving towards lifetime permits for fishing, so it's worth a look, even if you aren't in Maine or Missouri. They tend to be pricey, but they're far cheaper than renewing every year.
  18. Fenix

    Deer season permits

    My family and I enjoy hunting together. I know that hunting isn't for everyone, but we do hunt responsibly, and we actually eat what we kill. We're in Maine, and up here we have different permits for deer season. The permits get really specific with where, when, and what you're allowed to...
  19. Fenix

    Musician Loading Zone Permits to Ease Parking Woes for Performing Artists

    I'm sure it's a pain to unload heavy equipment then haul it to the actual venue. So much could go wrong, and you know that's expensive gear that they're carrying. New Orleans has the right idea.
  20. Fenix

    Remodeling Guidelines

    You know, now that I think about it, I've never run across one. Although, I do know that some areas only regulate very specific areas of remodeling, such as asbestos abatement and black mold removal, while leaving other forms of remodeling untouched. However, even if the city doesn't have...