If you're a street vendors in Los Angeles, and you need assistance with permits, the
Los Angeles Public Library system is the best place for you to look for it. They have valuable online guide to help you navigate through the process of obtaining the right permits and health certificates.
A streamlined permitting processes is likely coming the way of homebuilders in Windsor because Windsor city councillor, Renaldo Agostino, is pushing for a swift and more efficient way for building permits for homes to be approved.
One of the key things he's advocating for is a proposal for...
Residents in the City of Denver, there's a big new change coming to the planning and permitting process for residential projects. The Denver Community Planning and Development department have finally listened to it's resident's complaints about how bad the services they receive it the state's...
Ja sa bong here, saying hello to everyone in this forum. Permit issues have been a global concern and different from state to state. I can't wait to read up on different permitting process in other countries and share my experiences too.