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  1. High Voltage

    Trump On Real Estate?

    All the talk about what Trump is doing, I hear nothing about what, if anything, he is going to do about the housing crisis. He's trying to gut federal agencies, but I'm hearing nothing about agencies regarding the permitting processes of real estate. Is anyone hearing more than what I'm hearing?
  2. High Voltage

    Newly Incorporated Towns

    I lived in a small town that was incorporated back in '07. Two small, unincorporated "villages" merged to become one town. I have always wondered when town officials start implementing building codes in the legal process of becoming a town. Is it first on the list or farther down on the priority...
  3. High Voltage

    A New Project

    Here's the scenario: The Army Corps of Engineers are tasked with building a series of waterways / canals to shuttle rainwater from the Parts of the U.S. that get tons of rain, to the parts that get next to none. An environmental project of epic magnitude, to be sure. How hard would it be to do...
  4. High Voltage

    Permits For Feeding Homeless.

    To expand on the homeless situation a bit, should municipalities stop asking for permits to feed homeless citizens outside? People the country over seem to be frustrated that there are so many solutions to mitigate or end the problem, but permits and zoning always seem to get in the way. If...
  5. High Voltage

    Civil Rights And The Homeless

    I found a discussion on Reddit last night that I found intriguing. It was about the homeless problem in a major metro area and how there are so many reasons for different people and familes being homeless. It used to be just certain types of people living on the streets, now it's a wide...
  6. High Voltage

    Remodeling Guidelines

    Does every city have remodeling guidelines that are used in deciding what permit(s) are needed? I know most, if not every, major city has them, but what about the smaller ones?