Search results

  1. Fenix

    Lee Zeldin as EPA head

    How do you guys think Trump's EPA appointee, Lee Zeldin, will affect environmental permitting over the next four years? I'm hopeful that he'll cut out some of the red tape that's rife in the industry. What about you?
  2. Fenix

    Permits for the Olympics

    Just for fun, which types of permits do you think had to be pulled for the 2024 Olympics in Paris? I've noticed there are several food vendors about; I'd say each vendor needed various food safety permits.
  3. Fenix

    The Labour Party's effect on environmental permitting?

    What do you anticipate with the newly elected Labour Party when it comes to the UK's environmental permitting regulations? Since we have a global economy, any country might feel the effects of the changes to come. Plus, we all have an interest in protecting the environment and halting global...
  4. Fenix

    Getting a liquor license

    Is it just me, or is it extremely difficult for a business to obtain a liquor license for on-site consumption? It seems like the smallest thing causes the permit to be denied. What do you think hangs most people up when applying for such a license?
  5. Fenix

    Travel with children as NRP

    Can you guys tell me whether I'd need any special permits to travel with my son overseas as the non-resident parent? His mother, my ex, with us going, but I'm concerned about getting stopped at the airport and denied passage.
  6. Fenix

    Who gets held liable?

    Let's be honest, try as we might to understand the permitting requirements surrounding our projects, we often fall short, so we rely on other professionals to sort them out. Now I'm wondering what happens when it all goes wrong. Who takes the liability when the building isn't up to code, the...
  7. Fenix

    Permit fees increasing

    I received a notification last week that all building and planning permit fees in the surrounding counties were going up by $2 to $4. The fee increase is meant to assist with code enforcement, hire inspectors, staff the department, and provide ongoing training. I'm not fond of having to pay...
  8. Fenix

    Confined space entry permit needed?

    Will you guys help me determine whether I need to apply for a confined space entry permit? I'll be making repairs in an empty corn silo. I'm leaning towards no, since it'll be an empty space, but I'm not entirely certain. This work will take place in Georgia.
  9. Fenix

    Missing revenue from permitless firearms?

    I know that the safety of permitless carry and the permitless concealed carry of firearms is hotly debated, but has anyone come across information about missed revenue? I wonder how much money it's cost local those local governments to do away with the permitting fees. Do you think it's a...
  10. Fenix

    The many editions of additions

    Did you know that there are many variations of what counts as an addition to a structure? Maybe you're like me, and you thought an addition was simply another room that was added to an already finished building, but that's too simplistic. Some states, like Pennsylvania, count decks as...
  11. Fenix

    Do multi-tiered permits keep roads safer?

    I happen to live in a state that has a multi-tiered driving program based on the teen driver's age, level of education, school attendance, and more. The rules are pretty nuanced and complicated, and it's all done in an effort to make our roads safer. I don't believe the federal government...
  12. Fenix

    Deer season permits

    My family and I enjoy hunting together. I know that hunting isn't for everyone, but we do hunt responsibly, and we actually eat what we kill. We're in Maine, and up here we have different permits for deer season. The permits get really specific with where, when, and what you're allowed to...