Search results

  1. Jake

    Missouri hunters can now use drones to track wounded deer, turkey but at increased permit costs

    Source: Springfield News-Leader If you intend to hunt deer and turkey this year in Missouri, you'll have to take some new rules and pricing to keep in mind. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) had decided to raise prices on permits. The MDC have brought out a new fall turkey-hunting...
  2. Jake

    Backlog of Honolulu Building Permits Taking Toll on Revenues

    There is a significant backlog for Honolulu's Department of Planning and Permitting, or DPP for short. There is now close to 20,000 applications for just 2023 alone, but only fewer than 15,000 or so permits have been issued. Property owners and developers are facing longer wait times for...
  3. Jake

    Yavapai County will expand $65,000 home program

    Affordable housing, here we come. Yavapai County's "Home of My Own" Program will be expanding upon their $65,000 home program to help bring more affordable housing to the area. The program, which was launched back in 2020, offered a set of pre-approved plans that were for one, two, and...
  4. Jake

    NYC street vendors say city's permitting system is failing

    Street vendors in the NYC area are having issues as of late when it comes to the city's permitting system. People are claiming that they're unable to obtain permits. Which is resulting in people setting up shop without the required permits. One incident recently has sparked some outrage, as a...
  5. Jake

    Redditor wants to know, who is the 'Applicant' and 'Contractor' on building permit applications?

    I found an interesting question on Reddit recently, under the r/Contractor subreddit. You guys were the first I thought of, so I'd love to hear you answers on this. A redditor is looking for advice on the building permit application process. He isn't sure about how to identify who the...
  6. Jake

    Unpermitted ADUs a growing issue in Bay Area

    If you happen to live in the Bay Area and have an unpermitted ADU on your property, the city may be coming down on you soon. It's being said that some researches used satellite imagery to find out there was over 1,300 ADU's produced between 2016-2020. They found that 1,000 of those were...
  7. Jake

    Vermont moose hunt application deadline is June 19

    If you're living in Vermont and are looking to do some hunting, you can take part in a moose hunt. All you need to do is apply for a permit. There will be some hoops you need to jump through first. There will be a total of 80 permits issued for either-sex moose hunting and 100 permits for...
  8. Jake

    Long Beach fireworks show canceled after organizers fail to meet deadline application

    What a bummer, it looks like the 4th of July celebration planned for the 3rd in Alamitos Bay is cancelled due to the organizers not completing their application in time. The reason why, is because the organizers needed to also obtain a coastal permit, as that's become a new requirement in the...
  9. Jake

    What would you do if neighbor renovated house without permits and intends to sell?

    I came across a really interesting question on Reddit, the person who posted to reddit has alleged that their neighbor fully renovated a 1930s house without obtaining a single permit, and he intends to put it on the market soon. The redditor is afraid for whoever ends up buying the property due...
  10. Jake

    Austin City Council approves resolution aimed at improving building permit process

    If you work for a business that has less than 100 employees or fewer and happen to live in Austin Texas, things might get better for your place of work very soon. The Austin City Council recently approved a resolution with the intent to improve the overall permitting process, more specifically...
  11. Jake

    Person purchased a flipped house, seller didn't disclose lack of permits

    I found another question I think you guys would be best to answer. And I can see it creating some good discussion. There is a new homeowner who purchased a flipped house, all good there, but after the purchase it was revealed that the seller did not disclose the lack of permits that he had on...
  12. Jake

    Homeowner is having trouble landing permit to install a French door

    I found an interesting Reddit question that I think you guys would have some answers for. The Redditor, or should I say homeowner in this case is trying to install a French door to his house, but the BDS has pushed back on the project for the last 8 months. He's even had 2 structural engineers...
  13. Jake

    Bill signed into law allowing casitas in cities across Arizona

    For those wondering, Casitas are essentially smaller homes, or smaller buildings that can be added to a single family property. They usually call them accessory dwelling units, or ADUs for short. I noticed a lot of other places accepting ADUs on properties, and it's cool to see Arizona taking...
  14. Jake

    San Diego Is Cracking Down on Groups Exercising Outside Without a Permit

    If you happen to live in San Diego and like to workout in public, you may be required to first obtain a permit in order to do so. At least in certain areas. On your property you'll be fine to workout to your years content. There was a revision on the municipal code that made it illegal for...
  15. Jake

    Nevada to do their first ever big-game moose hunt.

    Found an article about an upcoming moose hunt in Nevada. If you happen to live in Nevada, you can now take part in an upcoming moose hunt expected to happen this fall. The big reason for this hunt is due to the significant growth in the moose population within the state. It has risen to over 100...
  16. Jake

    Are you required to get a permit for a bake sale / lemonade stand?

    Found another reddit discussion that I feel would make for a great discussion here, you can view the reddit post here. A UT student wants to organize a bake sale/lemonade stand off-campus, as a means to fundraise for cancer research and support services. What type of permits would usually be...
  17. Jake

    Should you pull permits even though they're not needed?

    I was on Reddit early and ran across an interesting question from a general contractor. He wants to know when others decide to go ahead and pull permits, but mainly for work that doesn't usually involve major changes, like with structural, electrical, or plumbing. The contractor was doing a...
  18. Jake

    A new land survey required for addition on house if one was done in 1971?

    Found a question on Reddit recently that is about permitting for a home remodel, but the user is questioning whether a survey of his land is needed. Figured it would be a great question to share here to see if anyone has had a similar situation. Anyway, the redditor has plans of updating their...
  19. Jake

    Tennessee Legislators Join Movement Permitting Teachers to Carry Guns in Schools

    This is similar to my recent topic where the Iowa senate approved a bill that would allow teachers and school staff to conceal carry firearms in schools. You can find that post below if you're interested in checking it out...
  20. Jake

    OKC parks might soon charge photographers for shoots in city parks?

    Article here: Oklahoma City may be doing something professional photographers might not like, and that's requiring a permit in order for them to shoot in city parks. But the kicker, they would be...