Search results

  1. C

    Scaffolding Right of Way Permits

    I am a permit expediter that mainly pulls building permits for all types of scopes of work. Periodically, I have pulled Right of Way permits for Side Walk Cuts and Closures. I've recently been approached for a scaffolding permit in Baltimore City. I know this falls under the Right of Way...
  2. C

    Just Permits, LLC

    Hello. My company is Just Permits, LLC. My main focus are building permits for home improvement companies. Decks, Additions, Interior renovations, foundation repair, basement waterproofing, use and occupancy, Egress Windows, Retaining Walls, and Pools. I can pull permits anywhere, but, my...
  3. C

    Change of use permit residential homes

    How do jurisdictions allow single family homes to change their zoning to assisted living?