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  1. Fatima Naz

    Article  Things to keep in mind while getting a sign permit

    Are you trying to get a sign permit? Buckle up for success! Let’s dive into the essential insights that you should keep in mind while applying for a permit to maximize your chance of successful, trouble-free and on-time permit approval. A. Study the design: It is very important to study your...
  2. Fatima Naz

    Fatima does sign permits !

    Hello, I'm Faima, a sign permit specialist. Grateful for this platform uniting permit professionals to share expertise and experiences. Let's streamline knowledge and excel together! :)
  3. Fatima Naz

    Article  Understanding Signage Ordinance: A crucial pre-permit step

    It's crucial for businesses and individuals to be aware of and adhere to the local zoning regulations to avoid legal issues and ensure that their signs comply with the rules of a particular area. It's important to refer to the specific zoning regulations and sign ordinances of the local...