Search results

  1. Emily C

    Director's / Administrative Interpretations

    hey everyone! I'm wondering if your jurisdiction has a form for the public to use to request a director's interpretation of something in the municipal code. I was asked to create one and would love to see what one looks like before I get started. So far, the jurisdiction I reached out to has...
  2. Emily C

    SB 5290

    Hello fellow Washingtonians! Who is going to be implementing SB 5290 at the top of the year? My jurisdiction will be, and we are hoping the software we have will assist us with timelines. One step further - who has Tyler and is implementing 5290? We are trying to find a work around for not being...
  3. Emily C

    Going live with new software tomorrow

    Tomorrow morning my jurisdiction is going live with Tyler Tech, aka Enterprise Permitting & Licensing. Any words of advice? Any "jeez, I wish I would have known this at go live time" that you can share? Our jurisdiction is small, there were two of us who built the system on the I'm...
  4. Emily C

    Differences in IBC and IEBC

    Can someone please ELI5 the difference between the IBC and the IEBC?
  5. Emily C

    Any ICC Certified Code Specialists here?

    I'm studying for the ICC Certification for Code Specialist so I can get combination designation. Does anyone have tips for success for the exam? Later this summer I also intend to take the residential building inspector test before I start the WABO plans examiner courses.
  6. Emily C

    Importance of waiting for a permit

    Hi all! I stumbled upon a thread on Reddit last night that I wanted to share with this group about this person's regret for not waiting for a permit. The thread is here, basically, they applied for a permit to build a shed, ordered materials, and then got a call from the city that let him know...
  7. Emily C

    Frustrating things about being a permit tech....

    What are some of the most frustrating things about being a permit tech? I'll go first. I'll preface it by saying that my team is great...communication is, for the most part, awesome. My current issue is when one or two departments are ready to issue, and I'm waiting on the last to sign off with...
  8. Emily C

    Inspectors: How in depth do you go?

    Hey! I was watching a youtube video as part of my WABO class and the inspector was doing a final on a home and he was walking thru making sure everything was to the plans/code. He looked at the smoke detectors but didn't test them, just said "they're hard wired in"....I'm wondering what you all...
  9. Emily C

    When are fire permits electrical?

    I received a submittal for a "wireless fire alarm communicator"..and I'm not very privvy to a lot of the fire alarm/suppression types, but this feels electrical to me? How do you all know when it is? I'm only asking because our jurisdiction doesn't handle electrical permits, so I want to let the...
  10. Emily C

    Hello from the PNW!

    Hello! My name is Emily, am a permit tech in the PNW, but I wear a lot of hats. My official title is a Community Development Specialist, so I am also in the land use world quite often; I manage permits and plans and coordinate routing them once their payments come in...I also serve as Clerk on...
  11. Emily C


    Hi! My name is Emily, I work for a small town in WA. I am an ICC Certified Permit Technician, though my official job title is "DCD Specialist". I wear many hats in my role. I am currently working toward being an ICC Certified Code Specialist, Residential Building Inspector, and Plans Examiner...