Search results

  1. mantis

    Permit for temporary amusement ride

    We're hosting a large birthday party for our child's big day. We're going to have a bounce house, a ball pit, and an old-fashioned carousel. I've already obtained a Special Events Permit, so that part has been taking care of, at least. The Parks & Recreation Department handled the permits for...
  2. mantis

    Celebrating the New Year in Hawaii?

    If you're going to set off fireworks in Hawaii, you'll need a permit. That's surprising to me because they aren't required in my state, which seems to love permit regulations. Luckily, the permits are fairly affordable at $25 and can be purchased online. Obtaining a permit enables a person to...
  3. mantis

    Do I need a permit to destroy invasive plants?

    Kudzu is slowly creeping up the bank that's beside my property. It's starting to overtake the huge oak trees and smother them out. If one of those trees falls onto my home, it'll be a disaster. I don't know who owns the land. My neighbor says it's not theirs, and I know it's not mine. It...
  4. mantis

    Who can help?

    What types of professionals do you turn to in order to understand environmental permits and how to push them through? Environmental laws are overly complicated and full of legal jargon. I'm simply unable to figure it out.
  5. mantis

    Oversize trip versus annual permit

    Tiny homes are all the rage today. They're thought to be more environmentally friendly and more affordable. There's a lot to consider, though, beyond whether you can make the space work for your lifestyle. For instance, most states have determined that tiny homes are oversized loads that...
  6. mantis

    More cities should take a page from Vegas

    The city of Las Vegas has an amnesty program for homeowners that is pretty incredible. It allows owners to report any non-permitted or non-compliant work done within their home, and they can do so without the threat of fines. The homeowners are then able to get everything up to code and to...