Search results

  1. Ir3th0283

    Pre-Manufactured Self Water Vending Structure

    Good Morning, I received a submittal for a pre-manufactured self-water vending building. What group would it be under? This is my first water vending project and not sure if it should be classified as Utility (Misc.). Thank you,
  2. Ir3th0283

    Certificate of Completion

    Good Morning, I'm looking for a Certificate of Completion template that other municipalities might be using. Our municipality has no record of never issuing one. Has anybody issued one?
  3. Ir3th0283

    5lbs Gas Tank Cylinder

    Good Morning, I have a resident wanting to install a 5lbs gas cylinder at her residence to feed her stove. She states that she currently has Southwest gas and that lines have deteriorated and will be contacting the gas company to abandoned and have the meter removed. I have checked the 2018 IRC...
  4. Ir3th0283

    Solar Refund

    I have received a solar submittal refund. Permit was issued. Our records show no inspections for installation. Applicant is requesting a refund on the submittal. What would be the right way to handle this request considering that these type of permits are a set fee of $150.00?
  5. Ir3th0283

    Documentation for Sunroom Project

    Good Morning, I have received my first sunroom project in our jurisdiction. What would be the documentation required for this type of project?
  6. Ir3th0283

    Happy Halloween!!!!

    Good Morning All, Any one of you got dressed today for Halloween? If so, describe your Halloween costume. If not, describe the most creative and awesome costume in the office where you work.
  7. Ir3th0283

    Sanitation Fee

    Good Afternoon, Do any of you charge a Sanitation fee on your permits?
  8. Ir3th0283

    Deferred Submittal

    Good Morning, What are your thoughts about Deferred submittal fees? I have received a deferred submittal project for our community High School—the deferred submittal was for Fire Sprinklers. My question is, are deferred submittals to be charged once approved, or are they to be charged with the...
  9. Ir3th0283

    Contractor Vs Owner Builder

    When a resident comes in to apply for a residential interior remodel and all trades are involved; electrical, plumbing and mechanical, and the owner builder, who is the applicant, selects the option that he/she will be acting as the contractor, should certified electrician, plumber, and...
  10. Ir3th0283

    After the Fact Fees

    Would the After the Fact fee be applied to first time offenders or residents who were verbally communicated that certain projects need a permit and went ahead and did the project without a permit and the Code Enforcement caught them?
  11. Ir3th0283

    Hi All!!!

    Hi! My name is Maria, I work for a small City in AZ. I am an ICC Certified Permit Technician and I wear many hats in my role. I am currently working toward being an ICC Certified Residential Plans Examiner. Looking forward to meet many people in this forum. Happy to be here!