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  1. Mike30

    Hello I am new here

    Welcome to Permitting Talk forums :)
  2. Mike30

    Hello! Mike30 here :)

    Hello Nomad! I did send a pm to @Eric about MicroLikes, but I never got a response back :) Yes, I would be nice to have it here too.
  3. Mike30

    Hi All!!!

    Thank you for joining Maria!
  4. Mike30

    Aragon Waving!

    Hello Aragon! Welcome to Permitting Talk :) "communist republic of California!! " That was funny and sad. But no doubt, it's getting to that point.
  5. Mike30

    Biden Administration Speeds Work Authorization Process for Migrants

    When you see these type of things, it's because elections are around the corner. Why couldn't they do that sooner?
  6. Mike30

    linux.poet intro

    Welcome aboard @linux.poet :)
  7. Mike30


    Hello Emily, You are very welcome and we are happy to have someone with such experience! :) I hope you enjoy this forum as I do; sharing and learning from others :) Welcome aboard!
  8. Mike30

    Politician again introduces bill allowing guns on public transportation

    I don't like the idea of letting kids have arms. 18-19 years old are still kids. (just observe their behavior) I believe that at 25 years old is a more adequate age to carry an arm around.
  9. Mike30

    New Kentucky bill to allow permits to kill federally protected hawks

    I don't like when they kill one of my chickens, but I also like when they catch rats and snakes in the wild. For me, they are service birds. My question... Besides humans, what controls them when they get overpopulated? When any specie gets overpopulated, it is also bad. It causes many other...
  10. Mike30

    Hello! Mike30 here :)

    Just a little bump (to get my reactions shown at ForumRace)
  11. Mike30

    Boston to ban sale of guinea pigs in pet stores

    I totally agree with this.
  12. Mike30

    Unusual Permit Requirement For Minor Electrical Work in Florida

    What I understand by the requested single-line diagram is for the permit office to see in details how the power is distributed with the modification. As experienced in the field, I have seen atrocities by home owners doing such "small projects". For each line of power that enters your home...
  13. Mike30

    Permit needed for quick drywall job (walls and flooring)?

    If you open a wall, it needs inspection. That's how it is in my area. (Many don't bother about it, specially if it's a small area)
  14. Mike30

    Boston to ban sale of guinea pigs in pet stores

    Another thing is that most employees at pet shops do not have the proper training for all the animals that are at the store to take care for them as they should.
  15. Mike30

    What Permits Do You Need to Start Urban Farming in the United States?

    I believe the Amish are at a constant battle too. Not long ago I heard in the news of an Amish farm been in trouble for the same reasons.
  16. Mike30

    What Permits Do You Need to Start Urban Farming in the United States?

    I know. It's the never ending story. There are permits for everything, so much that they discourage small guys from producing something(and I think that is the intention after all) I was hallucinating when I thought to make a business on my small farm. After checking all the permits required, I...
  17. Mike30

    Hello! Mike30 here :)

    Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, construction it's all about permits and it's good to have a place to read and discuss about it. I will definitely give some feedback when I encounter any thing.
  18. Mike30

    Hello! Mike30 here :)

    Hello, I am new here. I am a webmaster and also into construction. I did find out this forum to be nice and neat on its own category. I enjoy reading about these topics. If i can be of help, don't hesitate to ask :)