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  1. C

    Tips for vetting firms

    Expediting is really an old title used for our services. Kind of like "Permit Runner". Who Runs permits to the individual jurisdictions anymore? I mean, yes, there are still some antiquated jurisdictions requiring in person plans to be dropped off. Quite inconvenient these days. When I'm...
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    Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development

    Baltimore City unveiled a horrendous new permit portal at the beginning of February, 2025. It seems as though no one has a clue nor looked at surrounding area permit systems. They should have gone to the permit expediters for input. With that being said, when you re-sign in with the new...
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    Person purchased a flipped house, seller didn't disclose lack of permits

    I deal with many contractors who will only pull permits if the homeowner insists. Otherwise, they just risk getting caught and potentially losing there home improvement license. I bet this happens more often than not. I have run into a project where they were getting the basement...
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    What strategies and processes do permit expeditors employ to navigate complex regulatory requirements?

    This rings very true. For some of us fairly new to the industry(Nearly 5 year, so, not so new), it is a continuing learning process. Some projects can be quite daunting. Variances, Floodplains, etc...I never like to turn anything down, so, I learn as I am actually doing it. If it is...
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    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    In some counties in MD, the State Dept of Assessments and Taxation contacts me to find out if the project that was permitted for is complete. Usually it's for a deck or finishing a basement. They are pro-active in updating there records to be able to assess the improvement to the property...
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    Back taxes for Unpermitted work?

    This is as good of a complex question there is with regards to your situation. I had a similar circumstance where the homeowner decided to come clean and obtain a building permit after the fact of finishing his basement and all associated trade work. This happens quite often per the...
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    Busy season

    I cover mainly MD-DC-VA and depending on who your clients are will depend on the the applications being submitted. I originally was mainly pulling permits for basement waterproofing companies and they certainly slow down come Thanksgiving thru mid January. They also slow down if it is very dry...
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    Your permitting musts

    Even though there may be some scopes of work that even a permit expediter like myself seems unnecessary, I always like to advise that if you get caught doing non-permitting work, you could be subject to fines and stop work orders. Fines vary obviously by jurisdiction, but, in Washington, DC...
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    Permit revisions.

    I like that. Prince William County in Virginia charges for all revisions, even as silly it may be. They are one of the toughest when enforcing code and always requests an ICC report with basically any product being used. They will match up your plans/drawings to see if it coincides with...
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    Unreasonable Permit turn around expectations

    Always be upfront with their specific jurisdiction if you are able. As a permit expediter, I tell my clients...I may not be able to get the permit much quicker than someone else, but, I will not let the permit sit around and not move along. That's the nature of our business. Follow up with...
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    Permit revisions.

    Most revisions are pretty straight forward with most jurisdictions. And, pretty simple. They all have a procedure and most do want the narrative. Even if they do not request the narrative, you should include it for clarification of the amendment. Always being proactive makes for a quicker...
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    A Money Grab?

    Some truth as others have said. Overall, I do truly believe it is for safety reasons and zoning potential issues, but, there are some scopes of work that really shouldn't require a permit. On the other hand, there are some jurisdictions that sub out their inspections and that becomes quite...
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    Should you pull permits even though they're not needed?

    I always tell my clients, if a permit is not needed, the jurisdiction will not issue one even if you apply. As others have said, you just need to ask to find out. As minor as a project might seem, that jurisdiction may require the permit. And, if you get caught doing unpermitted work, you may...
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    Scaffolding Right of Way Permits

    I am a permit expediter that mainly pulls building permits for all types of scopes of work. Periodically, I have pulled Right of Way permits for Side Walk Cuts and Closures. I've recently been approached for a scaffolding permit in Baltimore City. I know this falls under the Right of Way...
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    What's required to permit a detached pergola?

    My rule of thumb that usually holds true that is if it is going to have any roof, a stamped plan is going to be needed. Detached or attached.
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    A new land survey required for addition on house if one was done in 1971?

    I think the 1971 should suffice if nothing has changed on the land other than the improvements on the property. The survey would need to accurately notate to scale whatever improvement are now on the property. Decks, patios, sheds, etc...Unnecessary to spend that on a survey if they can find...
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    Are licensed architects always required for plan drawings?

    Very interesting subject as some jurisdictions will have zero flexibility. Most jurisdictions that I have dealt with will accept hand drawings or sketches that do not require licensed anything. If it is not structural in nature, licensed and/or stamped engineered plans should not be needed as...
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    Some HOAs have the power to override a permit

    Most jurisdictions usually know ahead of time if HOA approval is needed and will request such before they issue their permit. It's the Homeowner's responsibility to know if their HOA needs to give their approval of such first. And, as a contractor, you should also be aware that HOA approval...
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    Just Permits, LLC

    Hello. My company is Just Permits, LLC. My main focus are building permits for home improvement companies. Decks, Additions, Interior renovations, foundation repair, basement waterproofing, use and occupancy, Egress Windows, Retaining Walls, and Pools. I can pull permits anywhere, but, my...
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    Change of use permit residential homes

    How do jurisdictions allow single family homes to change their zoning to assisted living?