Search results

  1. StrictlyUrban

    Tax deductible?

    Rats! I spent quite a bit on permits and hoped I might be able to recoup some of the money. Oh, well, I guess it was money well spent. Thanks for clueing me in, High Voltage.
  2. StrictlyUrban

    West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

    I helped my sister work through the permitting process in West Virginia. She needed a permit to install a septic tank and she also needed to apply for a Septic Tank Seal Registration. I was able to obtain the information she needed over the phone. I think this is the first office that I've ever...
  3. StrictlyUrban

    Tax deductible?

    It's that time of year again where we all worry about our taxes. Which business permits are considered tax deductible? I'm going to hire a professional to do my taxes, but I'm not sure what to expect and I'd like to have an idea of what I need to gather up and consider before I do.
  4. StrictlyUrban

    What Is Wrong With OSHA?

    To save the oligarchy (business owners) money. Complying with OSHA regulations means keeping people, property, and the environment safe, but it all comes at a cost. It likely means buying the proper safety equipment, undergoing inspections, installing a compliance officer, paying for medical...
  5. StrictlyUrban

    Lee Zeldin as EPA head

    But is it possible to do that before significant irreversible harm is done? That's my main concern with that sort of initiative. My opinion is that Mr. Zeldin is fairly centrist, and not much will change. I just don't see him as a major disruptor. I know I'm in the minority, though.
  6. StrictlyUrban

    Food truck permit for an event

    They're called Mobile Food Units in my state, and it sounds like the permit process is more complicated in my jurisdiction than in those who have already responded. We're required to obtain a certificate from the health department, a Grease Control Program Permit, and an inspection by the local...
  7. StrictlyUrban

    Permit revisions.

    Count us in as another jurisdiction that charges for all revisions, no matter how small and insignificant. I guess the fees are justified because it requires staff time and additional paperwork. It also keeps things fair, since it's hard to know where to draw the line between this is simple...
  8. StrictlyUrban

    Hiring freeze affects on permitting

    The new Trump administration has issued a federal government hiring freeze, leaving countless positions unfilled. The decision is sure to create a backlog in immigration work permits, reentry permits, and much more. How do you see this playing out long-term? Which types of permits do you...
  9. StrictlyUrban

    Concert permit granted without community consent

    My mother lives in the countryside of Virginia. It's a quaint village with lots of green space. Just yesterday she saw an advertisement for a country music concert that's going to happen right across from her backyard. She owns her land, but a developer owns the concert space. Mom was never...
  10. StrictlyUrban

    City Permitting Probe Raises Concerns of Misconduct and Corruption in New Orleans

    New Orleans is known for having corrupt city officials. Sadly, it's been like that for ages. Maybe they should put a large committee in charge of permitting. If nothing else, it would be more difficult to bribe that many folks.
  11. StrictlyUrban

    Permitting reform with clean energy on the line

    I think the way we handle environmental permitting is just about right. It's good to have a mix of laws, so that all sides can advance their ideas responsibly. I see no reason for reform.
  12. StrictlyUrban

    Person purchased a flipped house, seller didn't disclose lack of permits

    How awful for the new homeowner. Unfortunately, in my city, the responsibility falls on the buyers. They're expected to ask questions and request proof, or search it out themselves. I don't believe they'd have a legal remedy in this case, unless there was some kind of warranty on the property.
  13. StrictlyUrban

    City of Dallas struggling with building permits for own permitting office

    I feel for the people and businesses who are being held up, but it's pretty hilarious that the city is struggling to get their own permits squared away. It makes you wonder if the officials thought they'd be given a pass, instead of being required to follow the codes.
  14. StrictlyUrban

    Teenage work permit in Ohio

    I'm currently in Ohio, and my teenage son wants to get a job for the summer now that school's out. I believe he might need a permit to work, but I can't figure out who is responsible for obtaining it. Is it the parent, the employer, or the teenager?
  15. StrictlyUrban

    Are licensed architects always required for plan drawings?

    That's excellent news, Eric. It sounds like you'll be approved in no time. I'm so glad that it worked out for you. Your local Building Official appears to be knowledgeable and helpful. That's worth its weight in gold.
  16. StrictlyUrban

    Homeowner is having trouble landing permit to install a French door

    Why not go back to the BDS and ask what they're looking for? If they aren't willing to play ball, maybe the Reddit poster could search out some approved permits for an idea of what to model. It doesn't take much to hold things up. Sadly, it's foolish to buy the materials before you know...
  17. StrictlyUrban

    Inspector Parker here to help if I can.

    Fantastic! That's incredibly generous of you, Inspector Parker. May I ask what's the main thing that trips homeowners up during their home inspection? Also, which building code is most often overlooked during the application process, thus leading to a denial?
  18. StrictlyUrban

    Permits required to display a business billboard beside your business place in Cleveland, Ohio.

    Nice write up. Although I don't reside in that state, I appreciate seeing the steps that one would take to erect a billboard. I bet some of the permits are applicable to other areas. I understand the necessity behind each permit, but those prices are expensive.
  19. StrictlyUrban

    Some HOAs have the power to override a permit

    I did, and it was approved by the HOA board before I applied for the permit. Unfortunately, it took a while for the permit to go through, and during that break, the HOA added a clause that allows neighbors to object to work that will cause unreasonable disruption. That's what got me...
  20. StrictlyUrban

    Legality of panhandling and does it require a permit in some areas?

    Sometimes it comes down to the city you live in. Interestingly enough, in some areas you get the permit through the sheriff's office, which could be meant as a deterrent. In other places, it's downright illegal, no matter what. Getting caught can mean going to jail and getting fined.