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  1. B

    Over-the-counter Permits

    We process over the counter (more online submittals than paper anymore) for replacement garage door, window, doors, reroof, roof over, hvac changeouts, with a quick review during processing by the permit technicians for most of these (checking Florida Product Approval). It opens up a lot of...
  2. B

    Frustrating things about being a permit tech....

    I don't know what your jurisdiction policy is, but if it's a reoccurring problem and you have 'due dates' that aren't being met, I would have the applicant speak directly with the reviewer. I get that it slows them down taking calls, etc. but it's human nature accountability kicks in when you...
  3. B

    Saving money by applying for permits yourself

    Unless you are familiar with the permitting processes, it's best to have the contractor do it. In Florida, homeowners can do their own work, however, the majority of the permits obtained are by contractors, therefore, the systems are designed for customer base of more than 90% contractors...