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  1. F

    Permits required to display a business billboard beside your business place in Cleveland, Ohio.

    Billboards are always great tools of publicity for businesses and having your business billboard close to your business premises helps with visibility. In Cleveland, Ohio, there are certain permits that you would need to erect a business billboard beside your business place. The respective...
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    Confined space entry permit needed?

    Given the fact that there would likely be residual materials like dust and other things that can have impact on respiratory health, it is pertinent that a permit would be necessary.
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    Attempts to regulate street vending in Orange County

    One thing that requiring a permit for general vending is that it would ensure health and safety standards as met because verification would be carried out before permits are issued out. And taxes would also be generated for the city through this move.
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    Do you look for workers who are safety certified?

    I and most of the people I know would seek out a Certified Safety Manager to handle by building jobs because such a person can identify hazards and control them in order to save the site owner and manager of claims that may arise from site related injuries. Knowing that accidents occurrence is...
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    New law passed Allowing 14 and 15-Year-Olds to Work Without Permits

    One of the benefits of this move is that it would help the teenagers build skills like being responsible, and being able to work within a team. It is good for their teenage development if executed in a streamlined pattern. The challenge with this is that these kids can easily be exploited and...
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    Misunderstanding certifications with permits

    I think the seller in this particular instance has the approval to sell directly to consumers within a specified limit. I know that some states give these exemptions provided your farm has been certified to use organic processes to produce. He or she overstepped the boundaries though.
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    Permits required for a street march protest in Los Angeles.

    As we all know, activism is part of the democratic process in the United States. In Los Angeles, there is a provision for peaceful protests. However, when it comes to protests that involves street marches, special permits are needed. For a street march protest in Los Angeles, a police permit...
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    Understanding the permits required to hold festivals and fairs in the city of San Antonio

    This city is in the state of Texas and there is no statewide regulation in obtaining permits for hosting special events, but the powers to obtain permits for such events is reserved to the local authorities. As for the city of San Antonio, to host a fair, a site plan has to be submitted. It is...